First of all let me take my hat off to the devs, for making an incredibly attractive game which manages to capture the magic of the single-player fallout while providing an extremely challenging and fun pvp environment. I feel great potential and i'd like to see this project grow (yes, i donated

However, lately i get the feeling that the pvp is beyond the usual unbalance that every beta, and this game in particular is plagued with.
Im not talking about the harshness of the wasteland : Me and my friends managed to get a small faction started, purchased a base, setup a small mining operation that barely provides for our needs, but overall, we are doing ok.
Im also not talking about the big guilds running in packs which are almost impossible to overcome, considering we are only 6 or 7 combat capable mates.
I also don't care about powerbuilds or alts.
What i do care and wonder about, is how come we almost never won a fight, even with fair odds in numbers and gear? Granted we may be noobs or gimps, but lately i started thinking..
- Scouting. It's vital to be done with either a sacrificeable char or town preview, but no matter how we move, hide, or take cover, we always get jumped. Jumped as in 3 foes spawning on top of us, killing everybody before we even realise the fight has started. This has happened too many times now to be just bad luck, we NEVER caught anyone by surprise, not matter of our position. I'm fine with the fights taking a few seconds only, but it's like the enemy always knows our position, it's hard to setup a defense or an ambush when terrain and cover does not conceal us.
- Sneaking. reading these forums got me thinking that sneak is somewhat broke, but more than once i failed to spot with perception 8 someone standing at 4 hexes away from me. Needless to say, it was too late, particulary with...
- Grenades. Wtf is up with those? There is virtually no defense against plasma nades, save for BA and maybe END10. They need to be seriously nerfed, its very annoying to be killed in 4 seconds and not being able to do anything about it.
- Big gunz. I dont know exactly how powerbuilds or junkies are working because it doesn't fit my playing style, but how can a minigun hit for 120+(non-crit) at 30-35 metres? My BG-er doesnt hit for more than 50-80 at that distance, granted with regular minigun. Do they use LSW or Avenger? Is that the only answer?
- Perception. More than once i was shot way beyond my Perception 8-10 (on more than 1 char) by a miniguner. I was puzzled. Bg-ers usually have around 6 PE, right? Even so, if they had 8-10 PE they should be in my range, not outside of it. Was it lag?
- What is this autoaim exploit i keep hearing about?
Would appreciate some input, i love the toughness of the game but would hate that only some exploiters have a chance.