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Author Topic: [Edited] General interface/gameplay suggestions  (Read 17305 times)


  • The Amboy Dukes
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[Edited] General interface/gameplay suggestions
« on: May 19, 2010, 02:40:45 pm »

Here are many sugestion in order to improve the gameplay and interface in Fonline, enjoy :

Use yellow attack cursors (fa/doc) on a hex :

Allow players to clic on a covered hex, the character will first run to this place and use his FA/Doc.

FOV/Character follow attack cursor :

When you push A/Q you switch to attack mod, i purpose that your fov automaticaly follow the cursor and make automaticaly turn your character.

Must fix the refresh of FOV who didn't works if you don't move.

Caps in hands can be use while trading :

It's amazing you have caps in hand but you can't pay !  :P

Having the same choice to sort object in lock that when you make a trade :

Sort by weapons, ammo ....

Stop all action shortcut :

You can stop you char when running for example

Lock unlock walk/run with left caps :

Maybe better than being forced to old this cap everytimes

Force shoot :

It can allow you to shoot everywhere can usefull for grenades/launchers and RP (shoot at a bluesuit feet to make them run ^^)

Shortcut to follow the leader :

Juste press "F" when the box shows

Allow mousewheel zoom :

Allow to players who have a mousewheel to use it in order to zomm in/out, and still allow the "W" for those who havn't wheel.

Possibility to choose the amout of items during craft :

Like when you take caps or munitions ... easy  :D

Already suggested a billion times; Devs aren't against it but it requires engine changes which would need Cvet to edit the Fix-boy.Sounds good

Drop All in lockers :

Just like there's an option to take all from lockers, there should be a 'Drop All' command in your inventory. [...]

Select that you want to doc :

When you have a crippled eye and a crippled leg it could be good to choose !

When you use Doc it has equal chance to heal all body parts at the same time

Run when you want to make an action :

- Updated the main FOnline client config tool. It includes enabling autorun mode.

But i don't found how it works, the problem is that you only can choose alway run or alway walk, i think Lock unlock walk/run with a key should be better[/s]

Have a different colors for text logs concerning players like when your are hit or when you hit a player or a NPC :

example :

molerat was hit for ......
molerat was hit for ......
you have been hit .....
molerat was hit for ......
molerat was hit for ......
molerat was criticaly hit .....

The Amboy Dukes faction is proud to release publicly the "Amboy Tactical Tool" look at :

It plays audio files based on selected text in the in-game console. Triggered events are written inside the tool (over the fabulous Amboy Dukes logo!)

Shortcuts to choose where you whan to AIM :

- Added 2238-specific client config tool for configuring display and key bindings.

ex :

1 : arms
2 : eyes
3 : head

And actualy i prefer => could be great this kind of interface get implemented for everyone

It could reduce use of autoclickers ....

Reload shortcut :

Just to reload your weapon !

One slot for quick use :

One slot in your inventory corresponding to a shortcut in game (here you can put stimpacks or drugs or other stuff)
« Last Edit: October 09, 2012, 05:23:30 am by dskpnk »


  • King of the wasteland
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Re: Have a different colors for text logs concerning players
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2010, 02:43:47 pm »

good suggestion i like it :>


  • Surviving The Holocaust.
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Re: Have a different colors for text logs concerning players
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2010, 02:55:18 pm »

Good idea  ;)


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Re: Have a different colors for text logs concerning players
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2010, 03:51:40 pm »

Unless it's optional, I also vote for "yay".
Re: Have a different colors for text logs concerning players
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2010, 04:06:25 pm »

Maybe display critical hits in different colour too? Like

You have been hit for 14 hit points.
You have been hit for 23 hit points.

You have been critically hit for 70 hit points and knocked down.
You have been hit for 10 hit points.
I give a fuck.


  • The Amboy Dukes
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Re: Have a different colors for text logs concerning players
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2010, 05:34:29 pm »

It will make too much colors but why not !

So think about maybe an other color for slaves/mercs


  • King of the wasteland
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Re: Have a different colors for text logs concerning players
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2010, 06:05:39 pm »

yeah slaves and mercs could use different color too ^^
Re: Have a different colors for text logs concerning players
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2010, 06:54:20 pm »

Colored messages only for players actions. More colors in log will make it more like christmas tree, than readable document. Also you can easily distinguish critical hits because: they either deal many, many points of damage or they're longer than normal message.


  • frikkin' SledgeHammer
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Re: Have a different colors for text logs concerning players
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2010, 08:16:41 pm »


XY was hit by YX for Z damage.
HtH suggestions: Melee: +DR(PA)
Unarmed: +AC(active sneak should boost AC as they are "less visible")
General "class" idea pool in the form of new perks with high skillrequirements:


  • Drugged Childkiller
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Re: Have a different colors for text logs concerning players
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2010, 08:34:23 pm »


XY was hit by YX for Z damage.

Ok but only if you see it only in the saved log and not IG log, because it would make too big messages.
When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk

Member of the Most Hated Faction
TTTLA, for Great Justice !


  • The Amboy Dukes
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Re: Have a different colors for text logs concerning players
« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2010, 03:02:46 am »

up  ;D


  • Rolling my saving throw
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Re: Have a different colors for text logs concerning players
« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2010, 03:11:53 am »

Maybe have it an option in the configuration to set your own colors. That way if I want them all green I can set it so, or if I want my crits to be red and everything else green I have that choice.

Forcing options only upsets players, people like choice.


  • The Amboy Dukes
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Re: Have a different colors for text logs concerning players
« Reply #12 on: May 24, 2010, 12:32:25 pm »

sure people like choice but i think they prefere a simple interface, during a big PVP fight there is no way to know how efficient you are because you can't found your hits in the logs !

I think just a color for your action and eventualy an other for your merc action can be great and very simple to make !

example : blue for your action and yellow for followers actions, it make 4 colors in logs (green,red,yellow,blue) it's not a fag rainbow and i think it will be great !


  • The Amboy Dukes
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Re: Have a different colors for text logs concerning players
« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2010, 04:54:25 am »


Possibility to choose the amout of items during craft :

Like when you take caps or munitions ... easy  :D

Drop All :

Just like there's an option to take all from lockers, there should be a 'Drop All' command in your inventory. [...]

Shortcuts to choose where you whan to AIM :

ex :

1 : arms
2: eyes
3 : head

It could reduce use of autoclickers ....

Select that you want to doc :

When you have a crippled eye and a crippled leg it could be good to choose !

Caps in hands can be use while trading :

It's amazing you have caps in hand but you can't pay !  :P



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Re: General interface suggestions :
« Reply #14 on: August 18, 2010, 05:04:12 am »

Possibility to choose the amout of items during craft :
Like when you take caps or munitions ... easy  Cheesy
Already suggested a billion times; Devs aren't against it but it requires engine changes which would need Cvet to edit the Fix-boy.
Drop All
Sounds good :)
Shortcuts to choose where you whan to AIM :
It could reduce use of autoclickers ...
Sounds good, but once again either it was Solar or Izual said something about an auto-aim function or something like it actually being implemented in the future.
Select that you want to doc :
When you have a crippled eye and a crippled leg it could be good to choose !
When you use Doc it has equal chance to heal all body parts at the same time, so I don't see the point.
Caps in hands can be use while trading :
Sounds good and would avoid a lot of stress from swarm of thieves.

Error while opening cfg file: spawnnpc.cfg
Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!
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