Other > Closed suggestions

Combat medic - long range healing!

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--- Quote from: RavenousRat on May 12, 2010, 06:31:20 pm ---Stimpaks don't have anything with common world too. It's almost the same as magic potions. Someone shoot your hand off, you used stimpak there, restored full HP (for example), and flesh grown back? It should work as DR only like novocaine, if you want realism, but it's Fallout, it works like magic potion and instantly revives your health, even if there're 30 bullets in your body.

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 I dont want realism, i want to hold artist licence of Fallout creators. I dont want to make fairy tales from Fonline.. "Miracle medicine man dance into the batlefiled, he load his red cross gun and like spirts he sow the love and health"

 Why always this  ideas has bigger popularity than solving the real existing game problems?

edited by Lordus


--- Quote from: RavenousRat on May 12, 2010, 06:31:20 pm ---Stimpaks don't have anything with common world too. It's almost the same as magic potions. Someone shoot your hand off, you used stimpak there, restored full HP (for example), and flesh grown back?

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--- Quote from: the vault --- When the medicine is injected, it provides immediate healing of the body's minor wounds.
--- End quote ---

So, no magic healing, atleast not as you describe it. ;) If arm is blasted off, then it's off. No stimpak resurrects it.

Also @ Sius and Lordus - to quote lisac - Control your temper gentlemen, don't let passion draw you into a strike-trap. Stop small scale wars and write something constructive instead.


--- Quote from: Surf Solar on May 12, 2010, 06:42:28 pm ---So, no magic healing, atleast not as you describe it. ;) If arm is blasted off, then it's off. No stimpak resurrects it.

--- End quote ---
No, I mean, someone bursted you twice with 10mm SMG. There're 20 bullets in your body. You running away laughting and then using some stims on you and... you're like new! So don't talk about realism here.

Its a matter of personal taste what each and every one of us consider as Fallouty. I believe that this idea is here thanks to weapon/ammo description that is from original Fallout. As for the reality stuff I always prefer "game>reality" and trying to make it otherwise is impossible and nonsense. So again for Lordus and others it might be fairy tail suggestion but to me it perfectly fits into the game + it have incredible potential in both PvP and PvE. And yes Lordus there are many important balance issues that require some work but that does not mean anything like this can't be suggested and maybe implemented along with other stuff.

Anyway since this is turning into opinion vs opinion fight instead of constructive criticism, I would like to hear some word from devs about this (I guess there are no real cons other than just "won't fit in the game", which is again matter of personal taste). Yes I know you prefer that "no comment" policy but if you consider this feature stupid then just say so. Otherwise remain silent ;).

 I just dont know, why this should by pass armors, and other bullets not. I dont have any constructive answer from you, Suis.

And i have to repeat, you will have instantly more PvP opportunities, if you lower sniper instakills and BG burts damages..


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