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Author Topic: Schemes  (Read 11457 times)


  • The GM-eater
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« on: May 09, 2010, 12:41:09 pm »

This is next suggestion which should decrease amount of alts if would be implemented.
Firstly, let's find answer for question "why there are is many alts?".
There can be many reasons but the most noticeable is that powerbuilds can't or don't want to craft ammo for their guns.

Main part of my idea is to make gun useable only for characters with enough high skills. That means, if you want to use sniper rifle, you will have to have these skills which you need to craft sniper rifle (so, not only small guns but also repair and science). Same for other weapons usage (I am thinking about same with medicaments but I think you will protest).
To avoid crafter alts Devs need to make schemes which you will need to craft f.e. sniper rifle. Schemes of weapons from third (or maybe second) profession level shouldn't be able to buy from NPC but can be only found in quests or on special encounters (that will avoid also that what is now, everyone have best weapon and win depends only from that who got better powerbuild). Then you will need not only skills, profession level but also scheme to craft the item.

I am just thinking now about that schemes should dissapear after use or not? If yes, then there won't be trade of schemes, if no, then there someday again everyone will has best weapon ingame and will be as I wrote above.

In sum, almost everyone who I said my suggestion said it will really avoid making powerbuilds but now I am afraid in this game most of players are powerbuild and they will cry shame I want to destroy their fun.
Say no to powerbuilds!
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  • Zmikundik
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Re: Schemes
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2010, 01:12:41 pm »

I still dont understand whats wrong with powerbuilds ? You probably lack skills of making one ?
On the other hand, schemes are good idea, but they should be tradeable and also we need more items in every profession if we want to see schemes implemented.
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Re: Schemes
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2010, 01:14:54 pm »

I still dont understand whats wrong with powerbuilds ?
... wrong is that FOnline shouldn't be quake where fighting is the main aim of the game. I am not saying e-beer is best thing ever but can't understand people who came to Fallout Online only for fight and even don't want to make focking quests. THIS IS FALLOUT NOT A QUAKE the fuck..

Also if you want only fight make this battle more complicated, make tactics here, not only "I will win because I got more AP and better SPECIAL!"
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Re: Schemes
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2010, 01:29:38 pm »

And since its FOnline everyone should be allowed to roll his own build as he wish without any artificial restrictions like yours.

Instead of trying to nerf powerbuilds we should boost nonpowerbuilds so they can compete with them. Just face simple fact that most of the (almost every) mmo game that exists is all about fighting. Its either PvE or PvP but its always about killing something through what you get better and progress in game. And then its up to player to decide what he wants to do ingame, whenether he wants to stay out of combat and just farm materials and craft from them or join guild/gang and raid towns for some PvP action or cooperate with party to beat some dungeon etc... There should be endless sea of choices what to do ingame but the core of the game should be always combat wise so even the worst PvP build ever should be capable of decent combat activity.


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Re: Schemes
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2010, 01:33:06 pm »

powerbuilds would still stay the same sinc they are made to be most effective in fights.


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Re: Schemes
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2010, 01:44:33 pm »

can't understand people who came to Fallout Online only for fight and even don't want to make focking quests.
Play a focking Fallout 2 to make quests! Why do you need Fonline for quests?

And what's wrong with powerbuilds and fighting each other all the time? Watch Mad Max, it's mainly about gangs fighting each other for resources,
almost same here.



  • Zmikundik
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Re: Schemes
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2010, 02:57:48 pm »

Maybe it shouldnt, but it is the main reason why many players play FOnline. Theres just nothing better to do at the moment than to fight.
Also who said that it shouldnt be like that ?  
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[19:41:06] <@JovankaB> einstein said we dont need name colorizing
Re: Schemes
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2010, 03:08:46 pm »

... wrong is that FOnline shouldn't be quake where fighting is the main aim of the game. I am not saying e-beer is best thing ever but can't understand people who came to Fallout Online only for fight and even don't want to make focking quests. THIS IS FALLOUT NOT A QUAKE the fuck..

Also if you want only fight make this battle more complicated, make tactics here, not only "I will win because I got more AP and better SPECIAL!"

The Fallout (1,2) I always played was about choise, that means I could choose 1 CH character and shoot thru the whole game. So why the fuck u wanna restrick powerbuilds if u say THIS IS FALLOUT!? hm?
Its good like it is atm, if u want play universal character and make quests, steal, craft or whatever- just do it. but its logical that if u meet fighter who likes better shooting than talking, u will die, as it would have been in Fallout 1,2.
And yes, fights always were and always will be the majority in games generally. Because its the thing u cant do in real life (unless u r soldier or w/e).

TO Gordulan: yes, and what? that means it should be banned? I guess in every world is damn horrible ugly face with muscles who knows only how to fight well.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2010, 03:17:38 pm by Josefista »
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Re: Schemes
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2010, 03:12:00 pm »

i did just that when i was 8, best shit ever, a bit hazy, now that 11 years have passed, but i remember having shit karma at the end.
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Re: Schemes
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2010, 03:23:20 pm »

The Fallout (1,2) I always played was about choise, that means I could choose 1 CH character and shoot thru the whole game. So why the fuck u wanna restrick powerbuilds if u say THIS IS FALLOUT!? hm?
Its good like it is atm, if u want play universal character and make quests, steal, craft or whatever- just do it. but its logical that if u meet fighter who likes better shooting than talking, u will die, as it would have been in Fallout 1,2.
And yes, fights always were and always will be the majority in games generally. Because its the thing u cant do in real life (unless u r soldier or w/e).

Difference is that in fallout you could finish the game as any kind of char. In fonline you cannot finish the game because there is no frank horrigan to defeat in various ways. Only way to show power is to fight other players.
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Re: Schemes
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2010, 03:26:41 pm »

Difference is that in fallout you could finish the game as any kind of char. In fonline you cannot finish the game because there is no frank horrigan to defeat in various ways. Only way to show power is to fight other players.

nah, u can show your power by your trading skills, by your fortune, by stealing, by showing your game knowledges, by persuating others and have army of friends...
If u want to show power by fighting- get the fucking proper strong character for this!
The presence of ending the game has got nothin to do with this
« Last Edit: May 09, 2010, 03:29:40 pm by Josefista »
Rockwell weapons user
Re: Schemes
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2010, 03:28:05 pm »

This is a perfect example of another one man army that wishes to change the game in impossible ways. Really, what the hell do you have against powerbuilds. All i can guess is that you're near the embarrasment award due to them. Anyway, call me atleast 5 endgame activities for a guy that has like 3 lvl 21 chars and has beaten the shit out of this game. RP? Thats 1.  PvP? Thats 2.  Bombing people in NCR? Thats 3. All other kinds of griefing, stealing etc? Well count that in 3rd point. Out of all that, i'd say PvP is the most interesting and best part. And to have the best results in it for you and your faction... well, yes, best is if you have a powerbuild.
I give a fuck.


  • The GM-eater
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Re: Schemes
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2010, 04:28:53 pm »

Okay, you all understood me wrong.
I didn't want to say powerbuilds should be deleted or something like that but I just want to make this game more interesting. Is it interesting when almost everyone got powerbuild and winning depends of lvl, amount of AP and SPECIAL? I think not....
I agree that there should be lots of PvP, but make something new, make your own tactics or anything!

Anyway I still think that making powerbuild and 653948984389248953 alts for crafting is bad and should be changed in any way.
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Re: Schemes
« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2010, 04:58:31 pm »

I agree that seeing powerbuilds in fallout game is really a bit out of place. But what do you want to do against it?
There are just a few people how want to PvP. And to "win" there, you need a powerbuild. I find it also a bit silly and like to see more different builds, that peoples characters don't look and play exactly the same.. But I don' know, I don't think schemes will solve this problem. ;)


  • The GM-eater
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Re: Schemes
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2010, 05:03:08 pm »

Anyway, even if not, it will be some new ingame and maybe in little percent will avoid making hi-tech stuff for almost free (if schemes will dissapear).
Now there are just 124532953489673 alts and almost everyone can craft what he want and how many he want (just using "fast reloging" bug). With schemes you will need to play a main character and craft probably too, because to get best scheme you will need to make quest or kill powerful critter (f.e. plasma rifles schemes can only have Enclave, Avenger Miniguns can only have BoS)
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