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Author Topic: Party system  (Read 12001 times)


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Re: Party system
« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2010, 02:52:39 pm »

I've been playing Diablo 2 again recently..

 You heretic, go and mine 1000 piecies of iron ore and give it to poor players. This will be your punishment, you RPG bigamist.

So long and THANKS for all the fish!


  • King of the wasteland
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Re: Party system
« Reply #16 on: May 02, 2010, 04:14:19 pm »

well i would still like that someone could tag you without accepting it. And i wouldnt like sharing exp system as it would only result as lvl 21 character leveling up newbie in all gangs. But i would like something like that, to be made for showing contacts, so you could check if person is online in fonline and something like that :>
« Last Edit: May 02, 2010, 07:46:02 pm by vedaras »


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Re: Party system
« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2010, 04:20:37 pm »

well i would still like that someone could tagg you without accepting it. And i wouldnt like sharing exp system as it would only in result as lvl 21 character leveling up newbie in all gangs. But i would like something like that, to be made for showing contacts, so you could check if person is online in fonline and something like that :>

Oh my god. Vedaras have you ever played ANY multiplayer game other than FOnline? I really doubt that.


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Re: Party system
« Reply #18 on: May 02, 2010, 04:27:24 pm »

well i would still like that someone could tagg you without accepting it. And i wouldnt like sharing exp system as it would only in result as lvl 21 character leveling up newbie in all gangs.

 I think that there exist solution (based on level, charisma, luck (not speciaL one),...

 Something like "steam friend list" would be fine, but i think that this is not priority. Gangs have their voice comm channel, irc is there for others..
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
Re: Party system
« Reply #19 on: May 02, 2010, 05:05:23 pm »

well i would still like that someone could tagg you without accepting it. And i wouldnt like sharing exp system as it would only in result as lvl 21 character leveling up newbie in all gangs. But i would like something like that, to be made for showing contacts, so you could check if person is online in fonline and something like that :>

read more carefully next time. Izual also suggested making party consisting only cca same level characters (fe 1-5, 5-10,10-15, 15-21 levels), so lvl 1 will not get exp (or even be able to make group) with lvl 6+ char.
Rockwell weapons user
Re: Party system
« Reply #20 on: May 02, 2010, 06:24:38 pm »

read more carefully next time. Izual also suggested making party consisting only cca same level characters (fe 1-5, 5-10,10-15, 15-21 levels), so lvl 1 will not get exp (or even be able to make group) with lvl 6+ char.
Better make it trough 2 perks. That is 1-6 3-9 6-12 9-15 and so on.
I give a fuck.


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Re: Party system
« Reply #21 on: May 02, 2010, 07:57:19 pm »

Oh my god. Vedaras have you ever played ANY multiplayer game other than FOnline? I really doubt that.

if its related anyhow with topic, i have played counter strike 1.5 and 1.6, americas army 2.0, warcraft 3 the frozen throne, continuum and many others not that large/important games :>

read more carefully next time. Izual also suggested making party consisting only cca same level characters (fe 1-5, 5-10,10-15, 15-21 levels), so lvl 1 will not get exp (or even be able to make group) with lvl 6+ char.

Well i read more carefully now, still whats the use then if lvl 21 player will get all exp and lvl 1 nothing? "If a party is composed of a level 21 player and a level 5 player, the level 5 player almost earns nothing with shared experience, as in any other MMORPGs." But still sharing experience sucks in the first place, cause you wont learn how to kill in wasteland just by seeing other critters dying around you :>

And furthermore whats wrong with current party system? i think it works fine for gangs and only noobs being afraid to be tagged by tent followers would like to change it :>
« Last Edit: May 02, 2010, 08:01:34 pm by vedaras »


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Re: Party system
« Reply #22 on: May 02, 2010, 10:27:24 pm »

And furthermore whats wrong with current party system? i think it works fine for gangs and only noobs being afraid to be tagged by tent followers would like to change it :>

- you don't know who is following you (apart tiny arrow)
- you can't kick party members until you are at world map
- you can't invite players to your party
- you can be followed without your approval (stalking is another thing that should work separately from party system)
- there is absolutely 0 hierarchy in current party system, only high CH leader and thats it
- there is no way how to mannage party loot (fucking important in mmo)
- there is no exp sharing (Tell me whats the 1st thing that pops in your mind when you say MMO. For me its party/raid, and when you say party then 1st think I think of is sharing game experience in all its forms = loot/exp/fun/etc)

So I think current party system is for sure one of the greatest that has been invented for MMO and there is absolutely no need for change since its perfect, oldschool, hardcore, fallouty and all that shit. Right?


  • King of the wasteland
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Re: Party system
« Reply #23 on: May 02, 2010, 10:42:20 pm »

well you said what you think i said what i think, let others say what they think too. Its not the game for you, you are not the one who decides. While you and other whiners like lordus think tagging without accepting is a drawback of game rest of players think its great feature. So let the majority express themselves and do not say what others think if they havent said what they think.


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Re: Party system
« Reply #24 on: May 02, 2010, 11:52:43 pm »

well you said what you think i said what i think, let others say what they think too. Its not the game for you, you are not the one who decides. While you and other whiners like lordus think tagging without accepting is a drawback of game rest of players think its great feature. So let the majority express themselves and do not say what others think if they havent said what they think.

First of all: Don't call people "whiners" just because they want to improve the game.
On second, it's not really high priority what people think about a suggestions, it's up to the devs to decide what will be developed further, not by the players.
But I think I can repeat it infinite times, people won't get it.
Re: Party system
« Reply #25 on: May 04, 2010, 02:11:46 am »

Well, it's sure useless for PvP players, but PVE will gain a lot from better party system.
Now, wandering on the wastelands with party is like using other members like living shield.
It would be nice when you can gain EXP that depends how many damage you dealt to enemy.       


  • Arath =Gray Rock Village Leader= -Canadian Drow-
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Re: Party system
« Reply #26 on: May 04, 2010, 03:22:02 am »

Well, it's sure useless for PvP players, but PVE will gain a lot from better party system.
Now, wandering on the wastelands with party is like using other members like living shield.
It would be nice when you can gain EXP that depends how many damage you dealt to enemy.       

i agree with this, now thats more like mmos i know and love (not as much as i love this game though)

though i've stoped being followed by random players who try to get into my tent, i still dont mind the stalking thing implimented, but i love this diablo 2 party system so far as i read, it would help people, but the exp shared should be accounted to how much damage is done to the critter rather then level restricts as Inalian said

Re: Party system
« Reply #27 on: December 29, 2010, 05:58:23 am »

Of course this party system is awesome....still if you wish to give suggestion than it will be fusion of good and bad!!! (well more of good ones...) .
Re: Party system
« Reply #28 on: December 29, 2010, 06:21:52 am »

What a strange thread resurrecting spam robot.

I think the idea of having a party control window (partyboy 5000) is good but having to click confirm to add people to your party would cause trouble in certain situations.

Suggestion for a perfect party system:
20:49:58 • You encounter: Ghoul crazies.
20:50:01 • You were critically hit in the head for 55 hit points, knocked out and had your armor bypassed.

Doctor Eex

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Re: Party system
« Reply #29 on: December 29, 2010, 06:22:40 am »

I don't get, why FONLINE need such party system. FONLINE has some elements of harshness, especially for loners at start, but i actually like it.

All the salt and pepper in FONLINE - all hierarchy or sharing is on human relations, not couple of menus.
I'm against removing from game such thing like tent followers. Because it's so much fun to burst them with couple of muties.

- you don't know who is following you (apart tiny arrow)
1- you can't kick party members until you are at world map
2- you can't invite players to your party
3- you can be followed without your approval (stalking is another thing that should work separately from party system)
4- there is absolutely 0 hierarchy in current party system, only high CH leader and thats it
5- there is no way how to mannage party loot (fucking important in mmo)
6- there is no exp sharing (Tell me whats the 1st thing that pops in your mind when you say MMO. For me its party/raid, and when you say party then 1st think I think of is sharing game experience in all its forms = loot/exp/fun/etc)

1- don't see problem here.
2- you can - just say "tag me pal"
3- stalking is fun. just look at your party list when on world map, nothing hard at all. if you got tagger, kick him or enter encounter and burst him or get him in merc trap
4- like in RL gecko hunting party. If guy invested in CH he deserves to lead
5- it's simple. COMMUNICATE and decide. If somebody trying to take more than deserved - warn him than burst him.
6- it's easy to share now as it is. just let noob finish the mob. once again, depend on human relations.

Current system shows you who can you trust and who you should not. Who is generous and who is greedy. And it is pointed by human deeds, not managed by some menus. It's cool IMHO.
I don't know why FONLINE should be WARCRAFT like. It is should not.
The same I feel when people start whining about thievery.
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