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Author Topic: New Militia Project [TC]  (Read 5064 times)

New Militia Project [TC]
« on: May 01, 2010, 01:04:47 pm »

There were some topic where people were talking about weak militia, so no one wants to buy them. I have made a solution for it. Now militia is not worth 1500 caps per 1, so i think my idea could be good in this situation.

Now, if we buy 16 militia we pay 24000 caps and we get weak militia, which could be killed by few organised bluesuits. In fact we have payed 24k, lost town and maybe we were sleeping when it happened, because we are in other time zone.

Now I am going to explain my idea. I would add opportunity to buy something like militia capitans (2 per town). They would be more skilled than normal militia and harder to kill by bluesuits (but of course possible i can not do much with that, because i do not want to make it overpowered). Capitan would spawn 2 normal militia per hour, up to 8 per capitan. I think 1 capitan should be available to buy for not more than 6000 caps. Moreover if we can not protect capitan before he spawn enought militia, we would be available to buy capitan with guards. Guard would be better than normal militia, but worse than capitan. There would be 3 guards per capitan, and they would spawn instantly with capitan. Price per capitan with guard should not be higher than 8500 caps (If it would be higher, people would not buy them).

Capitan should spawn with 310hp, quick recovery perk, sniper rifle and brotherhood armor (I mean resistances should be similar to brotherhood armor and he should have noticeable skin).

Guard should spawn with 140-170hp, quick recovery perk and medium equipment.

Militia should be as it is now.

I am enclosing 2 screens, where I marked positions for capitans and guards. (Den is an example)

Red - Capitans
Blue - Guards

I tried to make it as much balanced as i could, but maybe it is not ideal, since I do not have any opportunity to test it.
It is just a project now, if anyone have idea to improve it - post it in this topic. This project is friendly for anyone in any time zone, because we do not need to reject option of claiming towns for twenty-four hours. 



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Re: New Militia Project [TC]
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2010, 02:19:32 pm »

Why would you need militia in Den or any other non-protected city that is raided everyday?
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator
Re: New Militia Project [TC]
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2010, 02:32:34 pm »

I need militia because:

I don't want bluesuits to take town
I don't want few guys who take town when I sleep
If someone takes city, I want to be sure he is with major team with good equipment, not with leather jacket and hunting.
Re: New Militia Project [TC]
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2010, 02:58:36 pm »

I need militia because:

I don't want bluesuits to take town
I don't want few guys who take town when I sleep
If someone takes city, I want to be sure he is with major team with good equipment, not with leather jacket and hunting.

Oh, thats so true. I wont call name of the faction, but the Chosen Soldiers are soooo doing that.  ::)
I give a fuck.
Re: New Militia Project [TC]
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2010, 04:11:14 pm »

Many gangs do it too and I am not crying about that, because now if I enter with full equipment, enemy wait outside town and when I leave, they take it.
I don't like it anyway and I want to change it.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2010, 04:13:54 pm by Kojot »


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Re: New Militia Project [TC]
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2010, 05:52:46 pm »

Removed some spam.

If you want to discuss your gang issues, please do it in the right sub forum.


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Re: New Militia Project [TC]
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2010, 09:59:04 pm »

This is definitely needed, not to mention "the hide in building and minigun them one" by one method so many gang fucks use on gaurds AND militia needs to be solved for this to have any meaning to it.
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Re: New Militia Project [TC]
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2010, 10:04:00 pm »

This is definitely needed, not to mention "the hide in building and minigun them one" by one method so many gang fucks use on gaurds AND militia needs to be solved for this to have any meaning to it.

They should see through walls now.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: New Militia Project [TC]
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2010, 10:05:46 pm »

This is definitely needed, not to mention "the hide in building and minigun them one" by one method so many gang fucks use on gaurds AND militia needs to be solved for this to have any meaning to it.
Militia must use atleast any AI, not act like zombies or something, I can remember when I only wanted to get some meat jerky at Modoc, but there was Red Dot Army... I had to kill all militia with my desert eagle till some guy in metal with sniper rifle came and killed me, also they started to shout "BBS is attacking!!!1", but.. it was just me... can't see any reason in militia, when you can kill them all alone with pistol, leather jacket(yes, I don't like bluesuit skin) and laughting when they thinking that gang is attacking them?
They should see through walls now.
Won't help much.


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Re: New Militia Project [TC]
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2010, 10:11:33 pm »

They should see through walls now.
Unless they can shoot through walls thats kinda useless... I mean gangers funnel em in one by one in the door way and minigun them down each.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Re: New Militia Project [TC]
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2010, 01:54:14 am »

Well I don't get the whole TC point right now. What has the town out of it? Yeah its being "protected" but why on Earth would town sheriff exchange group of 10 powerbuilders for 3-4 bluesuits that hop from town to town just to control every city.

TC is a good thing but we have to realize one thing. Militia does not work for town, they work for gang that is in charge of that town. If the militia works for town itself, then it should be no longer TCable town since its protected by its own guards ergo guarded town. SO my idea is to make it work somehow like this:

When one gang try to take over the town, the town leader will check them and compare them to current gang that controls the town. They will check mainly level, tagged skills, equipped gear and how many are there. Each check will have it own set of rules and conditions and all of these conditions could be summarized in numbers. I'll try to explain on an example.

Town NPC will check the following:
Level: Anything under 20 lvl will give you -1 "TC point" per level missing. So with lvl 18 you will get -2 TC points. While 21 lvl will give you +1 TC point.
Tagged skills: If you don't have tagged at least one combat skill (sg, bg, eg, unarmed, mele, throw) you will get -1 TC point. If you have tagged more than one combat skill you will get +1 TC point per each tag up to +2 TC points for 3 combat skills tagged.
Equipped gear: Each item will be given with certain TC point value so f.e. no armor or leather armors will give you -1 TC point, metal armors will give you 0 and test or CA/BA will give you +1 TC point. Same with weapons.
Number of players: Minimum to take over the town is 3 players. If you bring more that 3 players you will get +1 TC point per every additional player up to +2 TC points for 5 players taking over town (6th and other players won't be calculated). Also remember that more players = more TC points from their gear/skill checks.

So town is not controlled by anyone. Gang A comes along with 3 players all wearing Metal MKII, sniper rifle, minigun and rocket launcher. They will take over the town since no one else had it before.
Then gang B appears. They come also with 3 players but in order to take over the town, they will have to show to sheriff that they can do better than previous gang so the check is going to happen. So they will equip CA and Plasma rifles. Players from both gangs are at max lvl.

When gang B try to take over, they will have be checked by NPC and they have to have more TC points than previous gang so the maths will be done:
Gang A
- 3x max lvl player = 3 TC points
- 3x tagged only one combat skill = 0 TC points
- 3x metal armor = 0 TC points
- 3x "endgame" weapon = +3 TC points
Totally = +6 TC points.

Gang B
- 3x max lvl player = 3 TC points
- 3x tagged only one combat skill = 0 TC points
- 3x CA = +3 TC points
- 3x "endgame" weapon = +3 TC points
Totally = +9 TC points.

Gang A < Gang B ergo gang B will be able to take over the town.

If gang that is in control of the town purchases also militia NPC then they will get +0 TC point per spawned militia member, +1 points per guard and + 2 per captain. So the gang that wants to take over will have to eliminate previous gang militia in order to lower their TC points so they will be able to take over.

Also I had in mind some system how would TC points slowly decrease if the gang members don't play/trade/mine in town but even now its shitload of text and I think you get the idea.

So what do you think? :D
« Last Edit: June 01, 2010, 02:00:13 am by Sius »


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Re: New Militia Project [TC]
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2010, 08:05:48 am »

well,i think is a bad ideea to increas the power of militia,now 1 is 500 caps!!

but adding some more powerfull guard there,the game will not be fun:is PvP,not PvE

Re: New Militia Project [TC]
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2010, 11:52:52 am »

The cost of militia is now good, because they are weak. As you can see, people started buying them again, but well... Even one player can kill all of them with little effort so they are still.... well, weak.

Your ideas are too complicated.

By the way,
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