Other > Closed suggestions

Real Time nerfing couse its too powerfull

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Surf Solar can't u see?  he's trolling us! His prevous suggestion was madness and i think he like to watch how people react on that, now he posted another *dose* of trollolo.


--- Quote from: VongJin on April 30, 2010, 07:52:07 pm ---Surf Solar can't u see?  he's trolling us! His prevous suggestion was madness and i think he like to watch how people react on that, now he posted another *dose* of trollolo.

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It's up to the team to decide whether one is a troll or not. And I don't see any "troll" attempts here. Just a guy who'd like to see things changed and whose suggestions aren't welcomed by the majority of other players. Remember those are SUGGESTIONS, some people seem to think, just because someone posts a suggestion here it'll be ingame in the next update.

u don't see any troll attempts here...
 he is a really skilled one then. look at his prevous topic, what was there?
 flame madness and offtopic. and why? he, with his 1st post, provoked half of this community to create  more than 80 post of shit. and now he created another tread with  almost same 1 int suggestion  coz ppls don't want to flood anymore in his prevous topic. that's pretty skilled trolling, really.


--- Quote from: VongJin on April 30, 2010, 08:16:24 pm ---u don't see any troll attempts here...
 he is a really skilled one then. look at his prevous topic, what was there?
 flame madness and offtopic. and why? he, with his 1st post, provoked half of this community to create  more than 80 post of shit. and now he created another tread with  almost same 1 int suggestion  coz ppls don't want to flood anymore in his prevous topic. that's pretty skilled trolling, really.

--- End quote ---

I won't repeat myself anymore. If you really think it's a "troll", don't feed him.
For all the others who want to discuss this sugesstion in a proper way - go on.

rt is ok now... in towns it can be pretty uh... how can I say it... overwhelming.. ive seen (and have it happen to me) where a player dies way before he actually gets to the location in his browser... ( dying before the screen loads) so yah slowing it down would be cool.... or just increase the time it takes for your action points to refresh in rt but only in towns or something, not in the wasteland where looting multiple geckos is a pain cuz you g2 wait for your ap's to refresh before looting another body...

but playing in rt is still prety freakin hard... its almost suicide if you have non amazing gear on you... shit trying to fight a pack of wolves in rt with metal armour mk2 and a sweet gun is still pretty hard by yourself, its fast and you get hit alot... a knock down or a knock is almost certain death.... maybe forcing the switch from rt to tb once knocked out might fix this... dunoo.....


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