Other > Closed suggestions

Remove Repair skill from SG/BG profession requirements

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it's just that the repair skill will have to be nerfed if it is like that, i'm only lvl 13 and have 200 small guns skill and 120 repair skill...

The best idea to solve repair skill is to make NPC Repairers, as someone proposed in another topic.
Then you just shouldn't have 200% repair or beg to repair ur gun in NCR but just go and pay for repair to npc.

Even 120 repair + tool is enough to repair guns under 20% deterioration. It's just boring to repair your guns after every fight.

What should be done is to either remove repair requirement from profesion. Or grant repair give some bonuses in battle. Or fix our combat so that player's effectiveness isn't so dependent on 180 points invested in something else than combat related skill.

maybe the higher repair skill the lower the chance that the gun will jam when shot and cost 1 extra AP to fire

In my opinion, it's the requirements that repairing needs are unbalanced. They firstly should depend on WHAT are you trying to repair. It's supposed to be like that now, but I haven't seen it working... Now or you have 160+ or you shouldn't be touching stuff

First of all, you should be able to repair things you can craft. It's simple - if you can MADE IT FROM SCRATCH, then you know this thing in and out - you are able to repair it (a significant bonus to repair to everything that you can craft yourself). Or the basic reqirements for repairing items should be close to their craft requirements (at least for the simpler items).

 The more complicated the item is - the more repair you should need. So if you need like 40 outdoorsman for a leather jacket, 40 repair should be enough for the first maintenance and about 60 + tool to have 95% of fixing it. Leather armor - 80-100, CLJ/LA mkII - 100-120 and so on. To the CA that needs about 180% to have a serious chance of doing something.
(like now)
The same with weapons. Shotguns? Oh c'mon, you should be a master at repairing shotguns at repair 60 (as you need 40 to MAKE one)

Repair is now a typical alt skill. I cannot call it otherwise than ridiculous that ma char with 120% repair, who is able to make the best metal armors and made about 20 Leather armors, cannot patch up a damn Leather Armor he made himself..............


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