So now we have many facilities in inner vault city, but none of them works as it should. So:
1. Vault city information center

As we all know you can do quest's_books_back_to_their_owner . So many players done this quest, and now vc information center have shitloads of these books. Why not to sell some of them like in hub library. Since only 1 book selling point is too low for whole wasteland.
So my suggestion for vault city information center is: Allow player to buy books from vc information center if he has completed "Get Kohls books back to their owner" quest.
2. Servant Allocation Center

We all know that vault city has servants, which in other words are slaves. And when you join slavers you gain +500 reputation with vault city, so city really likes these "servants". Why not to allow players sell/buy servants from this center like from metzger or vortis. Just maybe this center should not by ghouls as we know what vc think about them

3. Allow players fix their stuff in vc maintenance center.
I already mentioned this system in . But still as its one of these vc facilities will name it here as well.
K, we have a few maintenance centers already. And now you cant do nothing in them.
One in vault city

And one in modoc

Also Jenna In bos bunker seems to live in a something like maintenance room.

So my idea would give these centers function to repair players stuff for caps. My repairing price suggestion would be, 0.5% items base price for 1% deterioration repaired, 60% items base price for 'little broken' item repaired, 70% items base price for 'pretty broken' item repaired, 80% items base price for 'barely hanging together' item repair and 90% base price of "beyond repair" item. I think that could reduce alting, and sometimes even with repair character its hard to repair 100 fucked up items found in wasteland, so if you have caps why not to spend them on fixing your stuff?