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Author Topic: Creating New Char (3rd times the charm?)  (Read 2363 times)

Creating New Char (3rd times the charm?)
« on: April 26, 2010, 12:51:49 am »

Okay so I'm making a fighter again...
My most succesful char so far is my Dr. :(

So I'm hoping I can get some advice from you guys for a good fighter.

I know I want Smallguns and Outdoorsman, not sure what other tag should be.
I want to be able to do most quests so that mean 4 ch and 5 int right?
Everything else is up in the air.

I was going to take chemresistant but not sure what else if even that. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I would prefer not to delete another char. Thanks!

Heres what I got so far:(This is a very rough draft)
AG:7?(high enough?)

Any reason for One Hander?

« Last Edit: April 26, 2010, 12:59:33 am by xGhost4000x »


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Re: Creating New Char (3rd times the charm?)
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2010, 03:21:44 am »

At least make Agility an even number. 10 Agility is the best for an all-combat character.

You will only need 4 Strength to properly handle Pistols, and 5 strength to handle 2-handed small guns, like rifles. If you really want to be an all-combat character, then I might suggest 2 Strength so that you can take Weapon Handling perk to get it up to 5 strength (for weapon holding purposes only)

6 Luck is good for the Critical perks. 3 Charisma is enough for most quests, and you can always take mentats if you really need to.

Small Guns tagged is essential, Outdoorsman can be great if you get really annoyed at having to run away from random encountes every-other tile. If your guy is combat, then I suggest Doc or FA. Repair would be more for a crafting character. FA has been nerfed of course, so you can't use it in the actual Turn-Based fight, but it is good if you want to quickly be able to get back into the game after dying.

Also Bloody Mess is always fun if you have nothing better to pick. If you are going for one hander, that means that you are going for just a pistol build, so you should only need 4 strength if that is the way you are going.

Then, with those extra points, I suggest putting at least 1 into AG and at least 1 into Intelligence. 8 AG gives 9 Action Points. Intelligence is important if you want to have high skills.

S: 4
P: 6
E: 6
C: 3
I:  7
A: 8
L: 6

That would just be what it looks like you are going for. You don't want to be total-combat, since you still want Charisma, but you want to be decent in combat.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2010, 10:03:07 pm by Dishonest Abe »
Error while opening cfg file: spawnnpc.cfg
Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!


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Re: Creating New Char (3rd times the charm?)
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2010, 06:39:20 am »

Heres what I got so far:(This is a very rough draft)
AG:7?(high enough?)

Any reason for One Hander?


i think i wont advice you what to make, better will suggest what not to :>
So if you are make small gunner 5 strength is enough, since only tommy gun from sg requires 6 strength, its not likely you will use it anyway.

Dont know if you want to be sniper or burst with weapons, but you can still raise your perception by drugs, just i suggest you to have 7 since you will probably need it for good sg perks (bonus rate of fire, sharpshooter)

Charisma - if you want others to talk to you take 3 charisma, 3 and 4 are quite same, just you can lead 1 more people. But if you want to be better in combat you should consider having 1 charisma.

I suggest having 6 IN since it is needer for some perks you might take as well.

And as said before agility should be even number. If you want to be sniper you should probably have action points for one sniper rifle shot, so you will need 8 (and thus 6 agility) you can also use drugs such as nuka cola and jet to get 2 aimed shots in a row :>

And if you are going for sniper then i recommend you having 10 luck.

And if you want to take one handed and use only one handed weapons then you should take 4 strenght. Otherwise dont take this trait. And i wont advise you to neither take or not to take finesse it can be object of discussion if its good or not :>

And skills you want to tag should be tagged according what you want to do in game. Do you want to have gunsmith level 3 or etc.


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Re: Creating New Char (3rd times the charm?)
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2010, 12:58:41 pm »

practically speaking, i've been cooking up a good PvE build for a while now, it's been a pain in the ass most of the time burning out characters faster than matches, but i think i managed to get a great one at least in my opinion.

S 4
P 6
E 6
C 3
I 7
A 8
L 6

Traits: Good Natured, Bloody mess (should've taken something else, but just couldn't decide so isert small frame here if you wanna, but i wanted the extra carryweight.)
3: Toughness
6;: More Toughness
9: Better Crits
12: Lifegiver
15: Gain Strength
18: BRoF
21: Action Boy
Any suggestion from the certified panel of judges?
« Last Edit: April 26, 2010, 04:09:31 pm by gordulan »
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Re: Creating New Char (3rd times the charm?)
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2010, 12:39:53 am »

If I recall you need 4 char to talk to Miss Kitty for the New Reno quest that gets you a pistol. Without doing that quest how do you guys get guns to start? Every time I die I go do that quest to get the pistol, then I use the pistol to kill slavers etc for better guns.

Without doing that quest how do you get your hands on a gun?
Re: Creating New Char (3rd times the charm?)
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2010, 01:06:21 am »

Without doing that quest how do you get your hands on a gun?
1. Boxes quest in Hub or elsewhere (200? caps), shoveling shit, gathering fibers and making ropes, gathering flints and making primitive tools.. selling it. Make money, buy a gun even without Barter (remember traders have fixed prices now for certain items such as combat knife, primitive tools, radios, basic stuff, etc - according to how the NPC is set). Quite fast.
2. Taking a vs encounter with NPCs with guns vs something. Pressing the luck, but hell, you don't need anything so risking time only and this way you can even get a Laser Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Assault Rifle etc. from encounter Unity Patrol vs Centaurs, Floaters or something.
3. Some more maybe. In fact you can just go to Hub and stay in vicinity of one field or not leaving the town at all and still get your basic gun, some ammo, healing powders, bank account etc through trading with NPCs without Barter (offer the NPC one bottle cap for nothing if you running low on time.. this way it will reset the timer.. worth the one cap :p).
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But these are the breaks
Break it up, break it up, break it up
Break down!
..guess who


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Re: Creating New Char (3rd times the charm?)
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2010, 08:23:12 am »

you go all the way to the fortress in the boneyard and speak to the guy with the LSW in CA, if you have 3 charisma, >50% sg skill, and are lvl 1, you'll get a nice boost of +15% to small guns, 1 10mm pistol (loaded), and 35 extra 10mm bullets, which you then swap out for a shotgun and some shells when you get to NCR, get the jacket from buster, get those molotovskys and knife from the rawhide, go and collect herbs (making them into powders) until you're lvl 2, then you technically should have enough caps for a tent (the weak healing powders go for an amazing 40 caps each at the rawhide(you selling em that is).

enjoy the guide
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