seen how russian players think that russian is only true language in the world and reject to learn anything
So do many english speaking people. And who decides in which situation a specific language is appreciated in the game?I actually enjoy it having a great bunch of different languages spoken by players ingame. It's like in a "wasteland", you see some strangers in a town whose words you can't even understand etc. So I'm absolutely against such a "language ban".
тупо тупо!shtupid!thats kinda something that hitler abused many years ago)didnt work out
I want to make a little suggestion, autoban anyone who use cyrillic letters in chat for about 24 hours. Thing like "ПРАДАМ ШКУРУ БРОМИНА 100 ГОЛДА!11" in NCR is kinda annoying.Support Russian education today!
Вали на своё ТЛА, быдло.
I can't see why there is so much russians in North California.
why is this topic not locked yet?