Bulldog, you really havent ever fight against good big Guns sneak... I can confirm what Holo say, and it's true that be killed by a burst a 1hex is annoying and you can't do anything to counter that.
I have fought, I've lost the fight, but it was my fault, I admit it.
Yeah your fault because you didn't do PE 10 character.
Sneak is slightly overpowered now. If you're not a noob - you will find and kill sneakers.We got training on our base. 1 energo-sniper killed 3 sneakers.So stop whining and learn how to play.
Lexx you know what kind of characters we have in towns ?
Yes and what? Should I use my magick to fix it? I wrote that it's not possible right now. If we reactivate FOV, we will have monster lags again.
PvP is kinda dead right now.And I confirm what hololasima said. From 1 hex you still can't see char with sneak.