Other > Off-topic discussions
What is Role Playing?
If they admins are already filtering the word "C mon" (no space), which is actually a correct abbreviation of "come on" (give or take an apostrophe). If they're gonna correct tiny grammatical errors like that, I'd hate to think what they're gonna filter next. It seems a bit much when compared to what NMA filters: "pl z" (no space, because they filtered that here too), for example. "C mon" (no space) is not leet speak.
If they're gonna filter "C mon" they shouldn't switch it to "come on", but "C'mon".
"C'mon" is not leetspeak to me either. And the whole suggestion about implementing that system ingame was merely a joke, it'd be too menial to implement.
Besides, we should avoid discussing the game or suggestions here, as this is the off-topic subforum. Let's all focus on how good RP is severely wounded :D
--- Quote from: baaelSiljan on January 02, 2010, 03:59:54 pm --- Fallout wastelands are full of scums and punks, so it is much much simpler than fantasy ;)
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Exactly Minus the Rape and use of txtspeek(Which if you look at it the right way, it's like laughing at morons they crumble before you, or spit out more hillariously stupid drivel), it's a fairly realistic depiction of a Post Apocalyptic setting. There are gangs who pillage and rape, racism is rampant(I got killed by I believe a polish person, for not being a dick to a russian person or is it the other way around?), and the Counter-strike kiddies with hormone imbalances will on a constant basis go crazy and say things to a corpse like 'u r my bitch :)'... Nutjobs don't get locked up after the bombs drop, they become stains in society which happen to talk to dead people.
Oddly enough I've got the urge to make a PK Character who will kill someone, and talk in an RP posh British accent as he has a loony tea party with a bunch of corpses. Often offering crumpets to the carcasses, and stuffing them into their dismembered gory maws and making up a fake pretend voice for them.
--- Quote from: BurntAluminum on January 02, 2010, 10:27:13 pm ---and talk in an RP posh British accent as he has a loony tea party with a bunch of corpses. Often offering crumpets to the carcasses, and stuffing them into their dismembered gory maws and making up a fake pretend voice for them.
--- End quote ---
Oh man, I hate the British stereotype.
Yes, I agree, but I can't get it out of my head, it's like having a teaparty with a bunch of Dolls, but the dolls are... Well That's already been explained...
I think this is my first post that does not involve a gigantic paragraph, and rambling... Wait, Nevermind, this is rambling...
Edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JchKa8Ox3Hs TEAPARTY!
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