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What is Role Playing?

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bwaahahaha that was awesome, you know id be more prone to roleplay if there was actually stuff to do, beyond hunting and gathering there arent really any activities that more then one person can do, its a shame there arent things like chess or something ingame. hehe I wanna run a molerat farm and ride molerats into the sunset!


--- Quote from: Aricvomit on January 02, 2010, 01:10:17 pm ---its a shame there arent things like chess or something ingame.
--- End quote ---

I wanna play chess with the doctor's scorpion. :(



--- Quote from: baaelSiljan on January 02, 2010, 01:47:26 pm ---

--- End quote ---

that is amazing, i couldnt stop laughing.

I'm happy You like it :)

My point is, that good roleplayer can adapt himself to environment. Fallout wastelands are full of scums and punks, so it is much much simpler than fantasy ;)


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