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What is Role Playing?
--- Quote from: Reconite on December 22, 2009, 09:24:19 pm ---"OMG I ROLEPLAYAN A RIADOR WHU KIELZ PPLZ"
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13 year old boys tend to be uncreative, it's unbelievable that they have made their way into FOnline. I honestly wouldn't mind playing a somewhat reformed Ex-Raider with PTSD, who is constantly haunted by his past, why? Because that would be much more interesting than playing "RIADOR WHU KIELZ PPLZ!!!!!!!111111" I say we all start making Reformed Mobsters/Slavers/Raiders/Enclave Members and Corrupt Cops/Brotherhood/Rangers.
Or at least make raiders who kill people, but understand what made them snap and start killing people, maybe they saw their mother procreating with a mutant for a hit of jet, or maybe they themselves are addicts who steal and rob so they can get high.
Either way, we need to get rid of the 13 year old boys.
I would love to be killed by Raider who kills people - if its well played. And i mean - all the time. You are just an asshole (no, not a troll or exploiter) - you keep on killing, pilliging and raping cause thats your life - makes perfect sense both in Caribbean AND Fallout ;)
I agree completely, I do believe that giving background to that character makes things more interesting, perhaps they joined up with a gang of raiders because they have no other skills to survive, other than robbery, maybe they don't like being a raider, but they have no other choice. If they have no morals at all, you should think of what went wrong in their head, what fucked their morality so hard that they have no regret murdering? You don't have to tell everybody else, why your raider is a dick, just use that as a basis to assume the role. As the article said Roleplaying is basically acting, though I've always called it co-writing a story, so what makes it interesting is how your character ticks, making that character seem real or interesting requires thought, why is your character a nutjob?
An example from one of my friends outside of FOnline is that: Lucy had grown up poor, and once she was on her own, she had become a prostitute. She was treated horribly by her clients, and did things she'd never want to do. Finally Lucy had killed a client, finding a new skill, an escape from a life of debauchery. She had a strong hatred for men, and was supportive of her fellow females.
Lucy's past contributes to the way she is now, her strong hatred for men, makes it interesting for men to hang around her, because at the slightest rude comment she WILL snap, and she WILL attack him, the only thing keeping her from killing all men is a slim grasp that they are human, she knows that not all men are horrible, but she believes that 99% of them would do what they did to her in her past life, and she could be right, because men LOVE sex.
--- Quote from: Ghosthack on December 29, 2009, 01:11:45 am ---If we are going to have real RP in the game, we'll need to have it as a seperate server. It's simple not possible to have a server for both metaplayers and RP:ers.
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Unfortunately it seems to be the case. I figured, in the beginning, that TLA would become the server for metaplayers, and 2238 for the roleplayers. But being TLA overly in Russian, 2238 became a haven too for the english-speaking metaplayers. So we can't claim ownership to the server because the profile of player the game attends seems to be both these ones... yet I can't help but express at times my frustration with the deep-coma state that RP is into around MMOs.
Now, real RP-based character progression I agree that might not be possible on this server, but maybe separate events can be set up to cater each playerbase separately.
lol u n00b i kill u - it seems it is NCR/VC village people dialect, in west You will hear stfu u noob uDie2.
OMG I ROLEPLAYAN A RIADOR WHU KIELZ PPLZ - that one looks like roleplayans dialect from far north, probably Riador is one of big warriors of his tribe, and kill some people, this make his position in tribe higher, maybe he is now elder or chief, or shaman OMG is name of one of their gods.
lol, stfu, rotfl etc - this was injected to language after some tribes found old comic book/games shops. Also it is old gangs legacy of people known before big war as "players", probably some kind of faction. Remeber, life in vault is boring, many people was sitting whole day on terminals and chatting with others, that's reason too.
Emotions like:
lol, rotfl, :) :( :* etc are nothing more than one written with /e but I guess with 1CH and 1IN it is very hard to show your emotion, when all people around think You are ugly and dumb.
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