Other > Closed suggestions
Tacklink powerbuilds
--- Quote from: lomzig on April 23, 2010, 07:36:31 am ---im not sure if they are intended or not, but here is an idea i got yesterday:
you already have a code to give player a perk (slaver and metzger)
so why dont make all perks quest achievable,
for example want to learn handling weapons? - go befriend gunrunners
wanna be tough - go learn from martial arts experts in SF or new reno boxing club
this would make many "power" build obsolete as some trainers might refuse to train already all seeing (pe10) char to view eve better, or some weakling idiot to handle big sniper rifle (tell kids to go home n stuff)
this + ignorance of drug effects would seriously make if not all but at least some powe builds obsolete.
disclaimer: yes i find the power builds game ruining, unnecesarry and exploit/metagame prone, and I think thats bad for a game.
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I dont like the idea of huge army of terminators moving in everywhere, killing every1 weaker than themself. IMO it would be a hell - like in diablo :)
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