perhaps keep the damage low, cant kill anyone, but allow for the normal blinding by eye crit thing, with a normal one having average accuracy and the LE having high accuracy, so its expensive, non-lethal (practically) and can blind.
Absolutly not!It was tehre before - result - bluesuits with BB gun cripled and blinded metal armor guys with miniguns and then were chasing them and on end bluesuits killed crippled metal armored guys with miniguns. And bluesuits were generally trolling with BB gun - by shooting in eyes and crippling.So no no way BB gun can be powrfull couse its troll gun.
Leave the AP cost as it is, but make the damage 5-8 instead of 1-2. This would make the BBgun a tempting alternative to 10mm pistol for newbs because 10mm ammo is hard to make.
but its kinda true. if you could shoot a soldier in the eye with a BB gun, you could probably then run up and kill his ass, with your fists rather than the gun.
bb guns need a practical perpose tho
Ulrek I bet you never saw bluesuit commando with BB guns in action didynt you?
you cant get xp that way how is that training ? and 1-2 damage at 4 ap is crap for killing rats your better off using your KICK
You can train battling with those with your freinds in your base. Tadah - here is practical purpose of BB gun.
you can gain xp fighting your friends in your depot ?