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Author Topic: Your event ideas!  (Read 162470 times)


  • Killian
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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #405 on: May 06, 2012, 12:27:07 pm »

"omg horrible event no killings !111"

I mean there will be some hostile NPCs, but not so many as in typical PvE events.


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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #406 on: May 07, 2012, 06:26:30 am »

"omg horrible event no killings !111"

On the other hand, this small piece of idea caught my curious attention, will be thinking about this. Let's see how you survive in a ghoul-infested deserted city with deteriorating hp and increasing radiation level.

We won't. Just spawn some zombies give lotsa' guns so we can have fun stomping them.
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #407 on: May 13, 2012, 05:50:30 pm »

Hi ^^
Here just a few suggestions for events ! Yes i know, some of them are RP events but as i m very fond of RP, i think you can understand why ^^
It would be very hard to write them here as i have to say so much but if a GM is interested, i could tell him in PM all my ideas
Here s just an example !

Rat invasion :

Yes i know that s a very common idea but it could be fascinating and not as easy as people could think :)
You all know than modoc is a very peacefull city of farmers. Perhaps this could change !
Have you just head about all these rats coming at night and stealing grain ?
That s just horrible !
A few farmers have find rats in their grain supplies silos so they need to recruit players to stay during night and just keep an eye on their supplies.
But, when night would arrive, strange noise would come around to make people coming to see what happen... : a few rats doing stupid things like searching on junks or things making lot of noises. People would kill them or not as they prefer, then when they would go back to the silos... NOTHING !!! ALL the grain would be stealen or opened on the floor !
Then the farmers would become so angry and ASK people for caps because they DIDN T protect their stocks !

There was many possibilities to resolve this !
One of them is to kill the farmers but you would have all MODOC on your back
One of them is to arg or fear them
One of them is just to seek and search for where the grain could have disappear... and who knows... maybe the solution is not as easy as you can think...

In fact, the farmers have invented ALL of that !
They have just find some stupid mercenaries to do their false job and attract them with some rats making noise
Then THEY have stolen their OWN supplies and tell the players THEY ARE RESPONSIBLES not to have protected well !
Then they would earn money for the job mercenaries have failed
All stocks are in fact somewhere near the house of the farmers, hidden ^^
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #408 on: May 13, 2012, 10:10:47 pm »

We won't. Just spawn some zombies give lotsa' guns so we can have fun stomping them.

yeah and please annouce don't cheat and post it the same day as hosted grrr

Mike Crosser

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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #409 on: May 14, 2012, 07:10:48 pm »

yeah and please annouce don't cheat and post it the same day as hosted grrr
You said it man.
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #410 on: May 17, 2012, 05:29:27 pm »

Cat Paws should host a mens curling event.
The object of the event is to knock a woman into a circle using a super sledgehammer. You will get behind a line and will be able to move the woman using punches. Then you hit the woman and watch her slide.
This can also be a team event. With multiple tries, using other peoples women and or men to try and get it into the center.
I know it's kind of lame but at least it's not another pvp event.
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #411 on: May 17, 2012, 05:34:26 pm »

Cat Paws should host a mens curling event.
The object of the event is to knock a woman into a circle using a super sledgehammer. You will get behind a line and will be able to move the woman using punches. Then you hit the woman and watch her slide.
This can also be a team event. With multiple tries, using other peoples women and or men to try and get it into the center.
I know it's kind of lame but at least it's not another pvp event.
i'll just quote this in response..
"what..this...i don't even..."
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #412 on: May 18, 2012, 08:12:18 pm »

Cat Paws should host a mens curling event.
The object of the event is to knock a woman into a circle using a super sledgehammer. You will get behind a line and will be able to move the woman using punches. Then you hit the woman and watch her slide.
This can also be a team event. With multiple tries, using other peoples women and or men to try and get it into the center.
I know it's kind of lame but at least it's not another pvp event.

This is not lame.

This is brilliant.
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #413 on: May 18, 2012, 08:35:19 pm »

The object of the event is to knock a woman into a circle using a super sledgehammer.
I don't think you want to attract players to the game who think that sounds like fun.

but at least it's not another pvp event.
Well, I'll give you that one, A for effort.
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #414 on: May 19, 2012, 08:15:18 pm »

I don't think you want to attract players to the game who think that sounds like fun.

Well if you want to be PC about it. Then we could stay true to fallout and use children. Either they lose a turn if they kill them with one blow, or they are disqualified. But to be fair, I would allow them as many tries to beat the kids into the center of the ring. Maybe have a practice run before the event?
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #415 on: June 08, 2012, 05:20:51 pm »

I have been thinking about a new event called "The Nomads"

A group of people from the Arroyo village want to leave to see if they can find a better life in the wastes. The group will consist of newly created characters who specialize in melee and unarmed (No heavy handed).

This group then decides to head south first before realising they need to set up camp, the group travels to the near by town of San Francisco to ask the Shi for resources to help them build their tempoary camp. The Dragon, seeing that the tribesmen and women look like capable warriors proposes that each each member of the tribe battle one of his own Shi warriors in the ring, if the Dragon is impressed then he will allow the tribe access to the San Francisco mine where they can gather their resources that are needed to build their camp. The Dragon may also provide the group with some advanced weaponary to aid them in their travells if he is particuallary pleased with their display of combat in the ring (such as power fists and rippers and maybe some supplies or clothing).

This would be "Day 1" of the tribes journey and the event could end for the day while they rest over night in their camp and continue Day 2 the next day and journey east to a new location and encounter a new "event" as well as setting up another camp to rest, repeating this process visiting many different towns across the wastes and seeing if they can find a suitable and better life, one possible end is that after seeing a lot, they decide that it is best if they just stayed with their original village in Arroyo and go back to tell of their adventures, provide them with their new found equipment and resources and teach them their new skills that they have learnt.

Depending on how fast these events would take to complete and travel between towns and locations, the event could be run over a few days or just be completed in one session as JovankaB pointed out that some players might leave in the middle.

I would like to see this event run as perma death where as if a member of the group were to die in their travels, he would permanently be killed and could not rejoin the event anymore and continue with the tribe (Skin removed :p)

There is also the option of if other players are encountered through their journey, they could be asked to aid the group and temporarily join the tribe with their current character.

Things such as using caravans to travel and carry their resources may have to be considered.

Other possible events could include:
-Taking the train from San Francisco east to boneyard, there they could encounter the Brotherhood of Steel which ask their group if they could complete a dangerous mission for them which the BoS don't have the men to spare. The group will be provided with little supplies and sent off the The Glow where they are tasked with finding some parts of machinery or equipment that the BoS needs to research or use for their own purposes.
-The tribe can make a stop at Hub where they can trade and interact with other players, enlist help and see if there are any available jobs.
-The tribe reaches Vault City and many of the members from the tribe are sick and require medical expertise and medicine, Vault City is willing to provide them if they perform some task for them (Something to do with Gecko)
-The tribe arrives at Redding where they are in desperate need of more miners to get gold out to reno. The Redding folk could provide them with dynamite crafting skills.

These are just a few ideas that the group could do. If a member of the tribe felt happy in a town then he could leave the tribe and stay with the people in the town and settle down there or they could continue with the tribe until the end of their journey.
Keep your head down, your eyes open and your mouth shut.


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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #416 on: June 09, 2012, 12:01:20 pm »

Simon, I like the idea.

Instead of building base GM can just spawn the camp and remove it
when the tribe will be moving to a new place.

There could be some condition for this - tribe would need hides, wood etc.
They could move around with a brahmin to carry these things.

But these are just technicalities, the problems is, what interesting
such nomads could do. The whole travel could be some big mission...
« Last Edit: June 09, 2012, 12:04:50 pm by JovankaB »
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #417 on: June 09, 2012, 03:10:41 pm »

Zombie Outbreak idea:

Everyone starts scaterred all over a ruined map with endless walkers everywhere, your objective in this RP is to reach the military base for protection without getting killed by zombies or players.

Once everyone dies or reaches the base, they will have to hold off the base for as long as they can, the endless walkers will keep spawning at the gates until everybody is dead.

So the objective is to stay alive for as long as possible using armor and weapons found on the ground.

Map would need to be "doorless" too so people just don't lock themselves until everyone is dead.
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #418 on: June 09, 2012, 04:01:22 pm »

Zombie Outbreak idea:

Everyone starts scaterred all over a ruined map with endless walkers everywhere, your objective in this RP is to reach the military base for protection without getting killed by zombies or players.

Once everyone dies or reaches the base, they will have to hold off the base for as long as they can, the endless walkers will keep spawning at the gates until everybody is dead.

So the objective is to stay alive for as long as possible using armor and weapons found on the ground.

Map would need to be "doorless" too so people just don't lock themselves until everyone is dead.
i like this idea. would  have to be big map bit it can be done.
do we have (starting) weapons/armor?

Mike Crosser

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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #419 on: June 09, 2012, 08:05:31 pm »

Zombie Outbreak idea:

Everyone starts scaterred all over a ruined map with endless walkers everywhere, your objective in this RP is to reach the military base for protection without getting killed by zombies or players.

Once everyone dies or reaches the base, they will have to hold off the base for as long as they can, the endless walkers will keep spawning at the gates until everybody is dead.

So the objective is to stay alive for as long as possible using armor and weapons found on the ground.

Map would need to be "doorless" too so people just don't lock themselves until everyone is dead.
Wouldn't then BG and EW snipers(At least what's left of them) stand around corners and kill everybody, you know, just like in every other event.
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