WIPE PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A gm, spawning random Items, millions of caps etc.
I mean what does it matter? WIPE follows after party.
Or, KING OF THE HILL, every man for himself, BLOOD BATH. Winner gets P.A.
Hide and Sneak, last person to be discoverd in a vault WINS.
Hub Police for a day - Delete ALL Hub Police, and have players run the show, LOL there's a NEW sherriff in town. Or better, send groups of players to preset events in the wastes, like domestics, and break-ins, with a badge, reward them based on their reactions in the encounter.
THE RED INVASION. Have an unknown army, attack EVERY settlement in the wastes. It's up to the players to band together in groups - to wrest free the towns, or save thier own vs NPC Horde.
JAIL BREAK OUT, Round up grounds of players 10 to 20 players at a time, and at random, stick them in GM JAIL, Make them work together on a series of cooperative tasks to escape.
Hide 10,000,000 caps or 5x suts of POWER ARMOR in New Reno, - BROADCAST IT on ALL RADIO CHANNELS. every 5 minutes. LOL even if you hid nothing it would be VERY interesting.
Park a VERTIBIRD in New Reno, with a series of lock on it at 300 to be picked.... see who can break through to get the prize.