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Author Topic: Your event ideas!  (Read 162555 times)


  • Killian
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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #210 on: January 11, 2011, 04:43:41 pm »

Question: how do you check the levels?
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #211 on: January 12, 2011, 07:55:55 am »

Wild west shootout
Two teams of five on a ghost town map.
Wild west weapons only: Revolvers, Hunting Rifles, Knives, Dynamite, Leather Armor Mk.II
No stimpacks
Max Character Level: Low.
You could add tournament brackets and such for additional fun. Perhaps the winner also gets some special brahmin?

''Max Character Level: Low.'' As Headshot said how u want to check the lvl?
And the second case the low lvl is no fun ;/


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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #212 on: January 12, 2011, 03:10:28 pm »

Wild west shootout
Two teams of five on a ghost town map.
Wild west weapons only: Revolvers, Hunting Rifles, Knives, Dynamite, Leather Armor Mk.II
No stimpacks
Max Character Level: Low.
You could add tournament brackets and such for additional fun. Perhaps the winner also gets some special brahmin?
Pipe rifle not Hunting rifle please (hunting too much powerfull and people will only use it cuz of its range).


  • Hardkorowy Koksu + Pudzian = Ja
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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #213 on: January 13, 2011, 03:50:25 pm »

Capture the Geck

Two tems must capture the Geck before second team. The teams who captured Geck and bring it to their base win!
Nie ma opierdalania siÄ™! - Hardkorowy Koksu.
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #214 on: January 14, 2011, 01:02:23 am »

A type of event that could span the game map and would be a mixture of PVP and PVE. such as the Enclave (commanded by a GM) is pushing deep into california. and members of BOS, and NCR have to push back the Enclave attack. The Enclave could start gaining ground outside of Navarro. The kicker is that the Enclave will have both players and NPC's as will the BOS and NCR  (depending of course on the intense ammount of players). This whole event would lead up to a climatic final battle. either the Enclave will lay seige to NCR. or the BOS and NCR will be able to sucessfully repel the invasion and launch an attack on the Navarro outpost or maybe the oil rig (if the map exists). consider it a type of mass wargame event that would be able to fight off lag due to the fact of attacks will be launched in areas simulateneously and each player must decide on a faction to fight with. just and idea and if anyone wants to build off of it or what not feel free. I'm not sure on the logistics of it or what not...just an idea of mine i've been toying with for awhile.  ;D
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #215 on: January 14, 2011, 02:44:52 am »

''Max Character Level: Low.'' As Headshot said how u want to check the lvl?
And the second case the low lvl is no fun ;/
Well, I just wouldn't want level 1s against level 15s is all. Honestly, any level would be really fun. I'd be down to make a dummy char just for the event.
AIM: nuclearweapons4u
Skype: nukes4u

<Marko>kurwa = doing sex in a manner of cheating, or prostitution. there is another word for fuck.
<Kilgore>   personally, i use it as a comma
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #216 on: January 14, 2011, 07:57:24 am »

Well, I just wouldn't want level 1s against level 15s is all. Honestly, any level would be really fun. I'd be down to make a dummy char just for the event.

Thats what im talking about not only 21 lvl chars but not much chars at 10 lvl or less
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #217 on: January 22, 2011, 08:18:50 am »

[no gm needed]
need team from 3 players each.
all needed to event: bb gun, come as bluesuit to unguarded town(dunno what town..)
doctor, sg man, man with lot of hp

last *bluesuit man with lot of hp* who stand alive make team winner
and man with bb gun must shoot bluesuit from another team...
/good/bad/total shit/    idea ?


Let the Force be with You.
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #218 on: January 31, 2011, 12:21:32 pm »

Atack of the ALIENS.
Manny aliens will be Spawned in a place.and the players shood atak them to survive.There shood be some rounds(first round 10 aliens,2nd 35,,3rf50).The players will use Big guners:LSW with metal armors
SG:FnFal with metal armor
And energy:Plasma rifle with metal armor
The gouls will atack a vilage of tribals.The tribals players,and goul NPC and Player some players will be goul too.
Teh trbals will only fight with knifes,Spear,and10mm pistol with no armor
And the Gouls with shootgun,and spear.
In the fight the tribals will be able to loot gouls shootguns

« Last Edit: January 31, 2011, 12:36:48 pm by Nick In »
Logged miss you LaG&b=text&c=u&e=
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #219 on: February 02, 2011, 10:33:53 am »

How about Pre-Wipe event like 2 eras when it was almost 1 week . But now it can be 1-3 days before Wiping.
It was awesome because in whole Fonline was MADNESS!:D
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #220 on: February 04, 2011, 09:25:25 am »

Something like a Doom make teams of 5-6 people and discovered old vault or some facility and eliminate all enemies inside(deathclaw or maybe centaur will be good)



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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #221 on: February 04, 2011, 04:14:52 pm »

Rocket Sumo?
1. There are made 5 circles of flowers/brahmin shit/etc.
2. 4 players stand facing to each other withing a 20 hex range
3. A GM gives them all infinite health
4. They all are given rocketlaunchers and they must push the enemy oustide the circle.
5. With each round the circle gets smaller and smaller, until only 3 players are left which fight for the big prize.
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.


  • Killian
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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #222 on: February 04, 2011, 07:09:29 pm »

Rocket Sumo?
1. There are made 5 circles of flowers/brahmin shit/etc.
2. 4 players stand facing to each other withing a 20 hex range
3. A GM gives them all infinite health
4. They all are given rocketlaunchers and they must push the enemy oustide the circle.
5. With each round the circle gets smaller and smaller, until only 3 players are left which fight for the big prize.

Totally sick! But sounds good!  ;D


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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #223 on: February 04, 2011, 07:32:21 pm »

Heh, glad you like it  :) Imagine 3 people are aiming at 1 because they don't like his name  ;D
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.


  • Killian
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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #224 on: February 11, 2011, 12:45:43 pm »

2238: Reborn

Abandoned, exiled, without the leader and goal, The Unity and the Children of the Cathedral raomed the Wasteland. In 2246, the mysterious stranger, later one of the Unity main ideologists proclaimed himself as the New Master. Day by day he became insane, possesed by the original Master's vision, he started to gather his followers in the New Reno church. Under the mask of equality, health care, peace for the entire Wasteland, the Unity seeks for the total domination under the iron fist of the New Master. The current main California's forces: the Army of New California Republic, the Brotherhood of Steel and the Enclave sent thier scouts to New Reno. Their reports were quite alarming. The new Unity is going stronger and stronger day by day and have to be stopped. President Tandi spoken with the Elders and head Paladins of the Brotherhood of Steel about the alliance.The Enclave seen in the upcoming conflict opportunity to finalize their own plans about the post nuclear California. Dwellers started joining all this factions. Life in the Wasteland is about to change...

I have an idea of the event series, inspired by recent Children of the Cathedral and Rangers events. Some volounteers and active game masters are needed to make this ones. This series would consist both Role-Play and combat events. Players will allign to the Brotherhood of Steel, NCR Army, Enclave and the Unity. Each camp would have it's place of debriefings, prayers etc. For example Necropolis for the Unity, Lost Hills for the Brotherhood, Navarro for the Enclave, Military Camp for the New California Republic. From time to time each camp will have PvE combat event.  And finally, very big Team PvP battle in the end of the season.
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