Other > Events

Your event ideas!

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I suggest Sylvester party in Reno, spawn points in the city, dynamites, grenades, rocket launchers with rockets.
Just blowing everything up and having fun for the sake of New Year Eve.

Jimmy BoyX:

Two teams, red and blue.

Teams are fighting in maps like team deathmatch. If you die you respawn with full inventory, full hp and again go fight. Team who get highest score after x minutes (maybe 10-30 minutes) winning.

Another FFA tournament with low-tech weapons would be good. But add the damn burst weapons this time.


--- Quote from: headshot on January 08, 2011, 05:48:11 pm ---Another FFA tournament with low-tech weapons would be good. But add the damn burst weapons this time.

--- End quote ---

Dear GM make something like that ;D

Dr. Wasteland:
Wild west shootout
Two teams of five on a ghost town map.
Wild west weapons only: Revolvers, Hunting Rifles, Knives, Dynamite, Leather Armor Mk.II
No stimpacks
Max Character Level: Low.
You could add tournament brackets and such for additional fun. Perhaps the winner also gets some special brahmin?


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