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Who Killed Bambi:

--- Quote from: Wilk on December 29, 2010, 07:00:13 pm ---Crusade for Search of Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch

Players  will go on adventure seeking  the strongest weapon on the wastelad Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, Guided By King Artur and His Kinghts, (GM's) (Like in the FO2 Encounter)
They need to check some town for clues to the next step, and on the end There will be Fight with The Vorapl Rat where players needs to use Holy Hand Granade  (Like in Encounter from Fallout 2, But i don't konow if there is any conversion of this map to Fonline 2238, if not then we can use generic cave map), reward will be Xp nad some caps form Rat's Treasuer

Inspierd by FO2 enonter and this ;p

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maybe in fonline it can be rabbit, like in original holy grail.


--- Quote from: Who Killed Bambi on December 30, 2010, 09:42:36 am ---maybe in fonline it can be rabbit, like in original holy grail.

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It can be a rabbit if you have  a rabbit sprite ;p

In F2 it looks like this


--- Quote from: Wilk on December 30, 2010, 11:22:28 am ---In F2 it looks like this

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This is not really from F2. ::) Maybe some fan-art?


--- Quote from: backora on December 30, 2010, 12:01:09 pm ---This is not really from F2. ::) Maybe some fan-art?

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It is, location and scripts are made by game developers, but never implented to gampley, coz F2 was rushed in production, its only accesible by unoficiall patch or you can try in main menu Ctrl + R (if I correct remember) and you can choose that map, and see yourself ;p

it was pretty awesome but with that option u cant fight the vorpal rat nor interact properly with stuff. but it could still be a great event.....
as for the reward, i think a unique item would be great like vertibird or enclave power armor


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