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Your event ideas!

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I was talking with Cajuns earlier about the events, which one they liked, which one they hated, this kind of things. They told me that the biggest problem with events is that they are rare, which, I have to say, is quite true. The problem is, at the moment with the disabled features to hunt lags it is not really the right time to make new events, partly because of the heavy lags, the disabled Field of View and the unnerfed sneak.

We were wondering if you, players, had ideas for the events that we, Game Masters, could make. Remember that we couldn't credit you about this idea, and if we decide to base an event on it, we would certainly change it a bit.

As developers have better things to do (fixing laggzors!) than making fancy scripts, an event idea shouldn't require a new script/dialog/npc. Existing ones are already in game. Game Masters can spawn any npc and item or block path.

Also, remember that an idea has to be detailed. It's easy to say "you should spawn raiders in NCR that players have to fight", but it's hard to make if we haven't got any details. We can work on the balance details ("How much enemies to spawn" for example) and so on.

We're not here to debate about the ideas. Only Game Masters will judge if one is good or bad, and will maybe eventually make it. However, it's a good occasion to tell us about your events ideas! You can browse the forum to look at the events that have already been made.

Well you could always go for the "Battlezone" events again, as far as I can tell they aren't that hard to make, right? You have a special location, players come naked, players go naked and they just can shoot stuff or people there with the weapons laying around. I know, it's pretty mindless, but I guess a few players had fun with it and it wasn't that much stress for the GMs(?). So it could be made weekly or so, every saturday evening - a battlezone event.

I've also read yesterday in the "events" subforum, that people liked the events so far, but simply want more. I've read a comment, saying: "We want more Quantity, not Quality". I know that bigger, well executed events, even with a little backstory (like the NCR Defence) are  always better and more fun for both the players and the GMs - but let's stick for now at the easier, quicker ones than making things which just need more time.

So, another one - the "maze" event you had there sounded also awesome. And the map is still there, right? Could be another weekly thing, since (of course I don't know the details, since I can't see the scripts etc. which are needed for ;) ) it's already been made and worked out. Same goes with the "Minefield".

Or the thing you've made with the easter event - just place a few items somewhere in the world, players need to find them. As an example, you have a maximum of 150 items, let's say stones. Those 150 stones you drop everywhere in the world and players need to catch as much as they can. After the event is over (make the time windw lesser then the easter one) the player who has the most stones wins something. There could also be a price for the second best and the third best.

Or a little "Fallout Quiz". You prepare, let's say 40, questions about the fallout world in general (they shouldn't be to easy). Then you divide all the players who take part of the event in groups (random). You tell the question and if one player of group XY is the fastest and answers it correct, the group gets a point. If the fastest player gives an answer which is false - he is out of the quiz (he dies in a horrible way.. :D). This will be repeated until just a few players are left. Then you make a "last man standing" and see who is the smartest of all, who knows the most about the fallout universe. This one get's a gift then or so.

Another idea - teleport all players (naked) who want to take place in the event to the inner core of the glow. Spawn there several death traps (robots etc).
This is an easy one - the player who manages it to get out there alive, or atleast make it to stage 1 wins.

Of course those are just tiny ideas. But that's because we don't know which scripts are already in, what can be done and what can't be done etc.

I think we need more "historic events". FOnline is not Counter Strike, it has a story from Fallout and we should make something with that.

PS : my english is not good enough to post ideas here so I do that on the french community forum.

Thanks for the ideas, Surf Solar ! As this topic is not over-flooded, I think I can post a detailed answer =p

--- Quote from: Surf Solar on April 19, 2010, 11:43:33 pm ---Well you could always go for the "Battlezone" events again [...] it could be made weekly or so, every saturday evening - a battlezone event.
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The last Warzone Event was good, but we wait for some scripts to improve it (Players had no possibility to leave the map, and replication was painful, with still 10hp...). We asked devs for a script for this one because yes, Warzone event has some potential and could be used several times.

--- Quote from: Surf Solar on April 19, 2010, 11:43:33 pm ---So, another one - the "maze" event you had there sounded also awesome. And the map is still there, right? Could be another weekly thing. [...] Same goes with the "Minefield".
--- End quote ---
Yes, the Minefield could be made more often, but in fact players just made alts with 10 PE and high Traps skill to win the prize quickly, which is both stupid and breaking the event concept. However there are some solutions. For the Maze... No, we would have to build another Maze. It was Jovanka's event, so I don't want to speak instead of her, but the fact it if it was made on a weekly basis we would have to build a new maze each time, and it is a looong work =(

--- Quote from: Surf Solar on April 19, 2010, 11:43:33 pm ---Or the thing you've made with the easter event - just place a few items somewhere in the world, players need to find them. As an example, you have a maximum of 150 items, let's say stones. Those 150 stones you drop everywhere in the world and players need to catch as much as they can. After the event is over (make the time windw lesser then the easter one) the player who has the most stones wins something. There could also be a price for the second best and the third best.
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Players would just trade them, if it was about "the one with the most stones". But why not ? Plus, I agree that the Easter Eggs event required almost no work at all (What, hiding eggs on maps ? Took me three minutes) and we could make events like this more often.

--- Quote from: Surf Solar on April 19, 2010, 11:43:33 pm ---Or a little "Fallout Quiz". You prepare, let's say 40, questions about the fallout world in general (they shouldn't be to easy). [...]
--- End quote ---
Fallout quizz - no. FOnline quizz - maybe. We already tested it for a small event, and players were just looking for the answers on Google. However, a FOnline quizz could work, since if we choose the questions carefully, there would be no answer on our website or fonline.ru .

--- Quote from: Surf Solar on April 19, 2010, 11:43:33 pm ---Another idea - teleport all players (naked) who want to take place in the event to the inner core of the glow. Spawn there several death traps (robots etc).
This is an easy one - the player who manages it to get out there alive, or atleast make it to stage 1 wins.
--- End quote ---
Yes, I totally like this - with a bit changes however. Doesn't need a lot of work, could provide a lot of fun, and be used on several maps... Yay ! I also like it because, as said Pozzo, it's not another shoot-and-loot event.

Pozzo : I replied on French forum o/

Hm, I have a kind of a suggestion, how about making some GM's killable? This should be carefully thinken over, like for example, I'd really like to hunt GM's and to get some reward (maybe) for defeating them? Maybe there should be some day or hour when you could kill GM's, sure thing that requesing help and killing the unsuspecting GM at close range with a BG is not the way to do this, but maybe you could help me with the details? I hope you got the main idea of this. I think it could be fun.

PS some GM's may support this idea and perticipate, others may just reject this.  ::)


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