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Author Topic: Ability to use cover during combat?  (Read 2409 times)

Ability to use cover during combat?
« on: April 17, 2010, 02:46:09 am »

Would it be possible for this FOnline engine to give the players the ability to take cover during combat with the upcoming 3d models? Like having a use option button with a character crouching behind a wall. There would be an animation for looking over the wall and shooting at the enemy, ect. Since this game is mainly based on pking and town control, why not make it look like the stand offs are off of those old western cowboy movies and most of all, a shot at making the combat system fun for once? One side of the towns building filled with raiders and other side of the street would be the citizens and ect. shooting at each other through windows, blah blah.
There would be consequences for taking cover, you'd have to use X AP to look over, X AP to shoot, then X AP more to go back down.
Chances of being hit would be lessened by X%  behind cover but normal chances for looking up.
It would be nice to see walls and ect. being used like in real life...instead of shooting each other out in the open like idiots when there is a pile of rocks to take cover behind.

Along with the thought of adding actual ballistics into the game, like a 5mm AP round shot from a gatling gun can shoot through small, or thin objects- tin walls, thin wood, ect.
I'll add more later, Sorry if theres a topic thread on this subject, haven't found it on search.
\"If you touch squirrel\'s nuts, prepare to have genitals bitten.\"  -Confucius


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Re: Ability to use cover during combat?
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2010, 06:40:45 pm »

Re: Ability to use cover during combat?
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2010, 09:08:28 am »

oh great then, thank you and scrap all that i've said

\"If you touch squirrel\'s nuts, prepare to have genitals bitten.\"  -Confucius
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