Other > Suggestions
Revaluate Melee/Unarmed classes
--- Quote from: Colombo on April 17, 2010, 10:10:19 am ---Special trainer giving bonus? You will need high unarmed/melee skill and he will give you bonus equal to your skill?
eg. you will need 160 unarmed (and sneak?) to be trained and you will get AC bonus equal to some probably linear function of sneak and unarmed?
That could be special profesion with master in San Francisco and some lower masters each around world in gangs...
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Restrictions for these additional abilities like higher AC while using sneak or such should not rely only on skillpoints. Maybe it get balanced after all but its still easy to raise additional skill up to 160 with some PvP powerbuilds. I think tree structure for such abilities is just best way to go. You have to take few low lvl abilities first in order to unlock higher and more effective ones. That means if someone other like big gunner would like to reach for those better abilities in HtH branch in offense/defense tree then he will have to sacrifice his abilities from BG branch. So no ultimate builds possible here therefore I think its easiest way how to balance stuff like this. If its only about skillpoints and stats then it seems more abuseable to me.
Maybe logaritmic function from unarmed and sneak.
So to make it realy big efect and nearly unhitable (altrough one lucky shot and unarmed character would be dead..) player have to take unarmed and sneak (and have high of those two). With some SPECIAL restriction.
Yeah, BG could take them, but he would have mutch lower BG skill, no outdoor or FA and he would need quite big inteligence, because of logaritmic effect of those bonus. That would allow to make new kinds of build, sneaky SG etc.
But what with melee? They need armor to survive and weapon to make damage.
Many people with many different ideas, but one thing is clear: HtH needs improve.
Honestly, I don't care about who say "Oh c'mon, HtH is the ****, firearms is superior!"
Those people never really played Fallout 1/2. I used to have melee chars who kick a$$ to anyone, from deathclaw to Enclave warriors with big and bad guns.
As Fischi said, we need to improve the survivability of HtH fighters, not the damage.
You can do this in various ways. When I think about melee/unarmed players, some standard models come in my mind:
* The "Martial Artists": who use is body as a lethal weapon. He should have dodge increased. If the system consent it, it would be cool to have increased chance to cripple limbs.
* The "Ninja": lurks and kills from shadow. If Sneak system works well, it should be a character able to strike with killing force from hidden status, as well as have increased critical hit chance.
* The "Swashbuckler": a perfect and brute tank. It should have boosted HP and/or increased DR-DT.I'm not trying to convert FOnline in a fantasy-class game, that's are just "types" for ispiration and improvement.
--- Quote from: Ombra on April 17, 2010, 05:11:41 pm ---I'm not trying to convert FOnline in a fantasy-class game, that's are just "types" for ispiration and improvement.
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I think that's what we need. No strict classes, but gearing perks to encourage certain playstyles. Just going through and trying to come up with a few character archetypes, rather than everyone taking Lifegiver and More Crits.
The target is find a good balance between "everywhere with same perks" and "game with strict classes".
One thing we have to understand is that a MMO game should be oriented in variety (maybe adding more requirement to perks or changing/making specialization perks) or we get the same clone over and over again.
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