Other > Suggestions
Revaluate Melee/Unarmed classes
--- Quote from: vedaras on April 16, 2010, 10:38:55 pm ---dudes all that hth needs now is an ability to run when you are attacking target, and you are talking about "sand in eyes", get serious...
--- End quote ---
We are sorry that we have visions and dreams. From now on we will post only the most simple and quickest suggestions. So it will be cool with vedaras. M'kay?
Mars Sultan:
Get a load of this guy, he still has visions and dreams!
Ive given up on suggestions because most people here dont want FOnline to be turned into a "wow"-like MMORPG. In their eyes, HtH is inferior, because a gun wins vs a martial artist IRL.
So instead, ive summarized my thoughts on the issue in my sig.
...Ok a bit more....
HtH needs better survivability, not damage.
As default i treat unarmed to be paired with sneak, because... NINJAS!!!! *cough* So the idea is that sneak should be only usable by unarmed(sneak penalty for weapons in active hands just like high lvl armor)
My unarmed char with 10 luck is an awesome crippler. Not good damage, i break a pigrats both legs before he dies, and thats a good thing. Like some of you mentioned, unarmed should be a disarming/crippling menace, but certainly not an instakiller. So damage wise, i think unarmed is OK.
IMO sneak should work like HtH evade does/would: Give an AC bonus of sneak skill/X to AC while the character is sneaking. You cant know if an enemy is actually seeing you and starting an attack, or he just ignores you or whatever. Sudden death while sneaking even with high sneak is unpleasent this way... Dodgeing an attack should not break sneak. Sneak should have a CD(like the FA formula), but should be used while players can see you and in TB. The 3 hex rule should not be applied while behind the character.
What about melee then? Fastshot. Please. Its a must. Other then that: If sneak has a penalty with melee weapons - and it should(i mean really: sneak with a minigun, or a sledgehammer? No.), then melee needs other survivability. Melee will allways be primary targets, because unarmed are sneaking bastards. They are the ones that soak up the most damage in theory, so either you accept it or not, they ARE the tank class in the game, just like everywhere else. Currently fights end very fast, and melee chars are very rare(because they suck at pvp), thats why it doesnt apply yet. So to compensate that, they need DR/hp. Toughness and lifegiver is open to everybody, but adrenaline rush is still open(because its useless). What would be the best tho game and balance wise -but noone wants to hear this, because everybody want them badly- is to simply give the tanks some armor, PA. Thus limited damage, no crippling utility like unarmed with its high critchance attacks, BUT could soak up a decent amount of damage. See PA thread for details. Im repeating myself, im a troll afterall, but i have yet to hear a valid counter-argument, other then "its silly" and "everybody should get PA".
How do you want to make differences between certain classes other than their abilities and skills? Right now everyone can get everything so if you would introduce something to boost HtH combat then even BG can reach for it and mix his build with it and then kick ass even more. Simply something like "class perks" would help here. But there again 21 levels does not provide enough space for char development. I've taken it even further and I suggested active/passive abilities (and those passive ones could get implemented without anyone whining about wow style, they just need restrictions so you can get them ONLY when you choose certain path so you will be somehow limited a bit so you can't create super builds etc.). You've suggested balancing based on items/armors if I get it right. Thats imho not that bright solution.
Special trainer giving bonus? You will need high unarmed/melee skill and he will give you bonus equal to your skill?
eg. you will need 160 unarmed (and sneak?) to be trained and you will get AC bonus equal to some probably linear function of sneak and unarmed?
That could be special profesion with master in San Francisco and some lower masters each around world in gangs...
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