Other > Suggestions

Revaluate Melee/Unarmed classes

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--- Quote from: RavenWolf on May 15, 2010, 07:33:33 pm ---Berserker build

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THATS IT! OFC! Adrenaline rush is the key.
HP under 50%, you go into a rage giving you + 30 DR, - 2 PE. Like when taking a psycho.
While enraged, you do not feel pity or remorse or fear and you cannot be stopped unless killed.
Requirements should reflect an average melee build with 8-10 STR, and ~90% melee. If you lose perception it would be useless for long range combat anyway..
Trait is not such a good idea tho imo

Other comments:
Dont support the backstabber tbh, silent death does the same, and if melee could have at least ONE but valid route to take, that is DR, i think we should stick with that..
Dont support smashing hands either tbh, secondary attacks in unarmed does that allready by default :/

But yeah, HtH evade is a MUST, its just a matter of time before it gets implemented tho..
At first i supported the reworked AC thing, but then realized the problems: If AC would give a - % of hit chance, rather then a -% to enemy skill, it would be worthless to increase a combat skill above ~120-150. I dont think that would be such a great idea, as that would mean alot of skill points in other skills aswell.. Like instead of 200 SG sniper builds, one would take 150 SG and 150 BG and he would be equally effective with both kind of weapons. It would be better to give +AC perks, items, etc, to encourage increasing combat skills aswell.

Frosti either constructive or gtfo.

Lil Jesus:

--- Quote from: vedaras on April 15, 2010, 04:58:03 pm ---the biggest feature unarmed characters lack now is running when targeting.

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"Only HtHrs can use Sneak" - LOL

<Drakonis> care to explain you running eye hits with a sledge?
<%ahbobsaget> what about it?
<%ahbobsaget> its call strategy
<%ahbobsaget> :)
<Drakonis> nothing, its just it was taking you like 0.1 sec to perform eye hit from run
<Drakonis> you saying its a trained ability to run and hit from running while your enemy is running as well?
Yes, it surely is a trained ability.

Oh right, so what is everybody's big obsession with running and hitting feature??
I personally do NOT want to play a game in godamn cruise control mode, where slaves mine shit for you, or where you can select a target and run to them , while sitting back, thats weak.

range 2 must give you enough time but range 1 doesn't. They are immediately out of range so you need to click them and click their eye in the time it takes them to click anywhere. You need them to stop to shoot and even then they get the first hit. No one slowly walks after a guy running with a gun to hit him.


--- Quote from: TheBob on May 16, 2010, 02:22:55 am ---<Drakonis> care to explain you running eye hits with a sledge?
<%ahbobsaget> what about it?
<%ahbobsaget> its call strategy
<%ahbobsaget> :)
<Drakonis> nothing, its just it was taking you like 0.1 sec to perform eye hit from run
<Drakonis> you saying its a trained ability to run and hit from running while your enemy is running as well?
Yes, it surely is a trained ability.

Oh right, so what is everybody's big obsession with running and hitting feature??
I personally do NOT want to play a game in godamn cruise control mode, where slaves mine shit for you, or where you can select a target and run to them , while sitting back, thats weak.

--- End quote ---
Our obsession is, that:
In RT, shift+click next to target, select aimed shot, target opponent, drag window to corner to see, click on eyes upon reaching destination, OR if target moves, press esc, shift+click click click follow target untill he stops, click next to him, select aimed shot, PRAY THAT HE DOESNT MOVE, and pull off an eye shot is uncool when ranged has instant shots.

But yeah, as Roachor said, i have a supersledge too, so its easy mode for me, to hell with run+attack, i want to play hardcore

Ill just disable autorun in wow too when im playing PvP with my warrior because its 1337.


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