Other > Closed suggestions

Sharing experience

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This good idea, I had same idea my self. you might have add diminish exp to formula when they enable it again.

Well maybe but I don't think it should be shared equally but based on how much damage you do to the creature.

Also if you put this in you can just hire mercenaries and never buy a gun or ammo yourself.


--- Quote from: geraioptuaer on April 15, 2010, 05:46:36 pm ---Well maybe but I don't think it should be shared equally but based on how much damage you do to the creature.

Also if you put this in you can just hire mercenaries and never buy a gun or ammo yourself.

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Well that formula should consider more aspects than just dmg done but the main thing is to get this ingame. Then you can argue about "details" like this.


--- Quote from: Sius on April 15, 2010, 05:49:33 pm ---Well that formula should consider more aspects than just dmg done but the main thing is to get this ingame. Then you can argue about "details" like this.

--- End quote ---

what other aspects? if its damage done then at least you can't hire mercs like i say to get xp for you. you will have to fight some to get your fair share.

 I'm not totally sure how it works now but isn't it person who gets last shot gets all xp for that kill? can be abused by gangs just lower hp of some high xp enemy then  kill with noob alt

Maybe Sius means that it should consider damage dealt BY critter and the player who get more, get also more experience.
But is sounds even more complicated, so as he said, don't argue and wait for an "official" reply if they can realize this  :)

Anyway I'm happy that my suggestion got a good feedback  :D


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