Other > Closed suggestions

Open wiki editing for high level players

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--- Quote from: gordulan on April 15, 2010, 03:33:44 pm ---well, according to the new update with the removal of xp diminishing they can literally level up overnight, only takes 210 deathclaws.

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It was something about 150 floaters and 120 centaurs back in the "old days" but there was no reputation there and "free" loot from caravans. So exp are no longer such pain in the ass to obtain but still you have to spend your time to get yourself a gun and shitload of ammo and thats not a 1 night job. Not for a no-nolifer :D. So I think that nolifers will have some nice times now but regular guys will finally get their chance too.

We are talking about wiki editing, guys ;) Concentrate, just concentrate :)

And 10 second wiki rollback for a night of grinding? Sounds fair to me :)


--- Quote from: JohnyT on April 15, 2010, 10:58:53 am ---Anyway, I would like to see more comments on HOW to make wiki more accessible for editing, and what controlling mechanisms to implement, rather than whether it should be made.

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I would like to see more people CONTRIBUTE to the wiki instead of talking about it. Go to #2238wiki and help now and don't waste your time talking here.


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