Other > Closed suggestions
Open wiki editing for high level players
--- Quote from: Izual on April 15, 2010, 10:44:10 am ---being a level 21 player doesn't mean you're not a troll or can speak english very well.
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--- Quote from: JohnyT on April 15, 2010, 07:34:50 am ---And then, for all misbehavior and abuse you could punish the in-game character
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Maybe punishing your in-game character would deter would-be destroyers of wiki?
you can just register a new charachter and get your gang members to powerlevel him.
As long as it takes considerably more time to level new char / change your IP as to rollback all changes the user had made...
Anyway, I would like to see more comments on HOW to make wiki more accessible for editing, and what controlling mechanisms to implement, rather than whether it should be made.
Well bind wiki acc with your ingame one could prevent trolling. Simply if someone wants to help then he will have to provide his acc info like char name=login. Then if its possible someone from admin team would check his char if he is active and high lvl with this char ingame. If that char really is active (so it would be considered as a main char) then our guy will get wiki rights. If he is ok then great another guy on team but if he trolls just a little bit then drop lvl of his ingame char or eventually delete it (depending on gravity of his deeds)...
Imho its good idea.
well, according to the new update with the removal of xp diminishing they can literally level up overnight, only takes 210 deathclaws.
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