Other > Closed suggestions

Open wiki editing for high level players

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Would it be possible to log in wiki with the same username / password as in game? And only allow players with 10, 15 or other hard-to-achieve level to edit.
And then, for all misbehavior and abuse you could punish the in-game character, this way the wiki would really be from players for players.

Go to #2238wiki channel on irc.forestnet.org and say what you want to change. If you're polite you can also create an account and talk to Izual and he'll probably let you edit the wiki.

The point of the wiki itself is not letting one person to edit it, but to let all, preferably mature, audience to edit it

you have to prove that you're mature first

being a level 21 player doesn't mean you're not a troll or can speak english very well.


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