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Author Topic: Ammo slower to make, craftables harder to craft  (Read 8710 times)

Re: Ammo slower to make, craftables harder to craft
« Reply #45 on: April 11, 2010, 06:10:32 pm »

Wouldn't it make much more sense that everyone could use all guns, but eventually strong guys would prefer big guns, accurate guys would prefer long range rifles, agile guys would like to use pistols or smgs and energy weapons would be just rare post-war artefacts?

I think energy weapons would be a good 'armor piercing' niche. Conventional guns could do more damage, but energy weapons would have an easier time punching through armoured opponents.
Re: Ammo slower to make, craftables harder to craft
« Reply #46 on: April 11, 2010, 06:48:04 pm »

trolling ,dude u dont know how much is 2x2 go back to school, on top of that u are making stupid mistakes and calling other idiots at the same time, go back re read the topic and just... srsly  just go back to school

That's trolling. And I'm not your dude kiddo.
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Re: Ammo slower to make, craftables harder to craft
« Reply #47 on: April 11, 2010, 06:52:43 pm »

dude go play some pvp, already people are using ca bh and miniguns, plasma nades and all max tier weapons, u had ur dream of making them "rare" as i said people already have floors full of them as long as they have no life ..
So what is with that "mom, PvP suckz ass now" anyway? Do people have "floors with stuff", or they don't? Do people using CA and miniguns, or they don't? Do people afraid of losing this precious stuff, or they don't?
Decide and choose, because now you sound pretty, erm, unbalanced. And what is your point of writing all this? Simple trolling wouldn't be enough reason, so lets leave that.

And what the hell have donations common with game style?
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Re: Ammo slower to make, craftables harder to craft
« Reply #48 on: April 11, 2010, 08:07:44 pm »

Making crafting more time consuming is not solving the problem

Ah ha, wondered where my daily "crafting is actually generally a lot faster - including the ammo" would come from today.

Hope tomorrow's is equally exciting

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If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Ammo slower to make, craftables harder to craft
« Reply #49 on: April 13, 2010, 04:16:43 pm »

It's a man-made hell. People who have nothing better to do than powergame are complaining that it's ever harder to powergame while normal players get angry that it's hard to be at the same level as powergamers.

Arrange fights in the desert via radio and bring your shotgun and jacket if you want PvP on equal grounds for low-levels. TC is unfortunately dominated by powergamers who use the best stuff available, even if it takes 20 hours to make one item.
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Re: Ammo slower to make, craftables harder to craft
« Reply #50 on: April 13, 2010, 08:27:59 pm »

Let me say this:

This game does not tend to the casual player. Plain and simple... It sometimes takes hours to create a weapon that can be easily EASILY lost. So almost instantly when the casual gamer finds this out, they will go play another game that "tends" to the casual playstyle. The current crafting state, I hope to GOD, is not even close to final. It's a bad system as is. Cooldowns should not exist for crafting, only FA and a few others. Weakened? Are you kidding me 5 mins? Try 2 minutes. And if you think people will just level up like crazy with no timeouts, well then lower the exp for craftables. Hunt and explore for exp. Trust me it's much more fun then click click crafting.

Crafting is boring as hell. Whoever thinks it is fun, please come forward and explain. Is it rewarding? Sure is, but you quickly timeout and have to go do something else. Hopefully you just crafted ammo to go out and hunt and wait for crafting timeouts to cooldown or you're loggin off for a bit if you have no friends. It's such a repetative system it's not even funny.

Here's a suggestion: Make vendors sell ammo that quickly respawns. Take ammo out of the crafting system completely. This will encourage hunting. Also make craftables sell for A LOT less than what they do now. It's retarded how much money you can make from crappy items. Thousands and thousands of caps. And then people have to scroll through thousands of crafted items at a vendor and cant get to what they want. WTF? Also, the deterioration rate is dumb. Armor and weapons deteriorate at an incredibly high rate IMO. It's like 1% each shot. Wow. Make things last longer so we dont have to create 25 guns to get 1 level.




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Re: Ammo slower to make, craftables harder to craft
« Reply #51 on: April 13, 2010, 08:57:17 pm »

This game does not tend to the casual player. Plain and simple...
Most of MMO's doesn't, yet people are playing them.
It sometimes takes hours to create a weapon that can be easily EASILY lost. So almost instantly when the casual gamer finds this out, they will go play another game that "tends" to the casual playstyle. The current crafting state, I hope to GOD, is not even close to final. It's a bad system as is. Cooldowns should not exist for crafting, only FA and a few others. Weakened? Are you kidding me 5 mins? Try 2 minutes.
I don't know if you've played before the wipe, when you had to dig rocks every 6 minutes and there was no cumulative cooldowns.
Weakness after FA is to stop people from fast gaining XP on that skill, but it pisses me off either. Well, Wasteland is harsh.
And if you think people will just level up like crazy with no timeouts, well then lower the exp for craftables. Hunt and explore for exp. Trust me it's much more fun then click click crafting.
Again - you seem not to played before wipe long enough. XP for crafting is cut down a lot already.
Crafting is boring as hell. Whoever thinks it is fun, please come forward and explain. Is it rewarding? Sure is, but you quickly timeout and have to go do something else. Hopefully you just crafted ammo to go out and hunt and wait for crafting timeouts to cooldown or you're loggin off for a bit if you have no friends. It's such a repetative system it's not even funny.
It's not game's fault that you have no friends.
And it was called "Faction Mod" in the beginnig just for the same reason - it is NOT for loners and/or casual players.
Also, the deterioration rate is dumb. Armor and weapons deteriorate at an incredibly high rate IMO. It's like 1% each shot. Wow. Make things last longer so we dont have to create 25 guns to get 1 level.
Increase combat skill - after 100% deterioration goes really slow.
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Re: Ammo slower to make, craftables harder to craft
« Reply #52 on: April 13, 2010, 10:32:31 pm »

I am in a faction so I have friends. Trying to speak for people who come into the game w/o a faction and not knowing anybody.

I did not know that deterioration slows after 100% and I havn't noticed much of a difference, either. The rate is high either way imo. Maybe in a couple levels when I get 200% WS I will.

About cooldowns - you can lower them as long as you lower the exp gained. No harm done there. Just less time to wait...which is what we all love I guess?

I don't understand the issue with lowering weakened cooldown to 2 minutes? even 1.5 minutes? Battles wont last long enough for you to use it any more than once anyways (maybe turn based). It's just annoying when you're at 10 hp and have a 5 minute cooldown. OK - coffee break, smoke, piss, let the dog out and come back to fucking FA?

Re: Ammo slower to make, craftables harder to craft
« Reply #53 on: April 13, 2010, 11:12:59 pm »

This is going waaay away from the original topic..

I am in a faction so I have friends. Trying to speak for people who come into the game w/o a faction and not knowing anybody.
Not every game is for everyone. Even if you like Fallout you may not like this falloutish game.

About cooldowns - you can lower them as long as you lower the exp gained. No harm done there. Just less time to wait...which is what we all love I guess?
The value of items is based on how long it takes for you to get them. Right now it is still not long enough to discourage mass-crafting of CAs and it's counted in hours. If you could make a minigun and CA in 5 minutes and go fight, then their power would be ridiculous compared to their cost (counted in time) and thus no other weapons would ever be used. Not at least at low levels people are starting to make other builds. Like Player-Raiders near NCR with Needlers instead of Rockets. That's always a nice change to see more variation and not just the best items used by everyone.

I don't understand the issue with lowering weakened cooldown to 2 minutes? even 1.5 minutes? Battles wont last long enough for you to use it any more than once anyways (maybe turn based). It's just annoying when you're at 10 hp and have a 5 minute cooldown. OK - coffee break, smoke, piss, let the dog out and come back to fucking FA?
Buy a stimpack. That's why they got a boost to heal up to 40 HP. And you can remove weakened by doctor if you're really desperate. It's added to make levelling harder. With 200 FA you could get attacked by molerats. Go away. Wait 30 seconds, heal. Get attacked.. So 5 minutes may be too much, but it's there to prevent FA fast levelling of PvP chars.
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