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Author Topic: Ammo slower to make, craftables harder to craft  (Read 8726 times)

Re: Ammo slower to make, craftables harder to craft
« Reply #15 on: April 09, 2010, 02:55:42 pm »

I am sorry, this thread is becoming something i did not expect it to.
I was very angry when i written first post because i just made items, and died. That happened to me more times in a row

So now with cool head i want to write this:
1) yeah, gathering system seems to be better now than before, the only thing that really make problems is junk. but i noticed that xander and broc are much easier to get.
2)crafting system is going through balances, thats what made me angry when i was making not-my-favorite ammo just because i made 100 pieces rather than 50 pieces of my-favorite-ammo. And when it was rebalanced, both ammos were 50 pieces.
3) now it is obvious that we need some change in carry weights, i dont have problem with brahmin watching my back, but when i want it to carry items and run from every encounter, brahmin should be able to take some orders to run with me and not running into battle with all items.
4)Most important thing is that it would be very good if regular players could get some caps too. We need them for professions, for mercs and everything. But regular player is not able to get some because vendors doesnt havy caps any time and shitting brahmins... well 150 shits is very hard to clean if you are not alone
Dumb people say what they know, wise people know what they say.
Re: Ammo slower to make, craftables harder to craft
« Reply #16 on: April 09, 2010, 03:21:28 pm »

4)Most important thing is that it would be very good if regular players could get some caps too. We need them for professions, for mercs and everything. But regular player is not able to get some because vendors doesnt havy caps any time and shitting brahmins... well 150 shits is very hard to clean if you are not alone

Visit Junktown and Hub from time to time. Four out of five times I'm there, someone has 5,000 caps.
<Izual> Let's crash server
Re: Ammo slower to make, craftables harder to craft
« Reply #17 on: April 09, 2010, 11:58:53 pm »

1 Explosive rocket-  Sesh.  It sucks for me.

50 5mm JHP ammo  - Eyeballs - its insane !
And the costs are the same as for 100 ammo rounds :P

Before that I could craft 500 rounds of  5mm  JHP ammo before cooldown,
Now I can craft 450 5 mm but I must collect 2X more materials.

Superb perspective
Next step towards socialism .  :)

Keep it up the good work. :P
« Last Edit: April 10, 2010, 12:01:55 am by nagzuku »


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Re: Ammo slower to make, craftables harder to craft
« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2010, 12:04:04 am »

1) yeah, gathering system seems to be better now than before, the only thing that really make problems is junk. but i noticed that xander and broc are much easier to get.
Devs wrote that junk is bugged. It should be smth like 20-40 pieces in 20 minutes, not 7 pieces.


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Re: Ammo slower to make, craftables harder to craft
« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2010, 12:55:15 am »

1 Explosive rocket-  Sesh.  It sucks for me.

50 5mm JHP ammo  - Eyeballs - its insane !
And the costs are the same as for 100 ammo rounds :P

Before that I could craft 500 rounds of  5mm  JHP ammo before cooldown,
Now I can craft 450 5 mm but I must collect 2X more materials.

Superb perspective
Next step towards socialism .  :)

Keep it up the good work. :P

The differences largely come in terms of the different crafting rates which have been used to provide better comparitive rates for higher professions

Shotgun shell - Level 0
Before wipe $1400 for 100 @ $3000 an hour = 214.3 crafted an hour
After the wipe $480 for 50 @ $2000 an hour = 208.3 crafted an hour

10mm JHP - Level 0
Before wipe $1000 for 100 @ $3000 an hour = 300 crafted an hour
After wipe $480 for 50 @ $2000 an hour = 208.3 crafted an hour

10mm AP - Level 1
Before wipe $1200 for 100 @ $3300 an hour = 275 crafted an hour
After wipe $600 for 50 @ $3000 an hour = 250 crafted an hour

(Side note, 10mm ammo was kept higher because p90c was such amazing value before the wipe)

.45 Cal - Level 1
Before the wipe $1300 for 100 @ $3300 an hour = 253.8 crafter an hour
After the wipe $300 for 50 @ $3000 an hour = 500 an hour

(Significant boost to .45 cal ammo because the guns are uninspiring ... they are now at least cheap)

5mm JHP - Level 1
Before wipe $1200 for 100 @ $3300 an hour = 275 crafted an hour
After wipe $350 for 50 @ $3000 an hour = 428.6 crafted an hour

5mm AP - Level 2
Before wipe $1400 for 100 @ $3600 an hour = 257.1 crafted an hour
After wipe $885 for 100 @ $4000 an hour = 452 crafted an hour


.223 FMH - Level 2
Before wipe $1800 for 100 @ $3600 an hour = 200 an hour
After wipe $1445 for 100 @ $4000 an hour = 276.8 an hour

Flame fuel - Level 0
Before wipe $900 for 20 @ $3000 an hour = 66.7 an hour
After the wipe $120 for 10 @ $2000 an hour = 166.7 an hour

Flame fuel II - Level 2 was 3
Before the wipe $2000 for 20 @ $3900 an hour = 39 an hour
After the wipe $990 for 40 @ $4000 an hour = 161.6 an hour

Explosive Rockets - Level 1 was 2
Before the wipe $2000 for 10 @ $3600 an hour =  18 an hour
After the wipe $300 for 1 @ $3000 an hour = 10 an hour

(Please notice the decrease in profession levels, if it had stayed the same it would hqave been 75%  of old crafting time)

AP Rockets - Level 3
Before the wipe $3000 for 10 @ $3900 an hour = 13 an hour
After the wipe $2000 for 5 @ $5000 an hour = 12.5 an hour

In conclusion, most times either stayed virtually the same (lower levels) or got a lot faster (higher levels) - with the exception of explosive rockets, which went lower a level and recieved a price increase and 10mm jhp which can be lethal in the SMGs, but also need to be low level, so suffer from a decrease in crafting time but having to remain quite pricey due to their unique low/high tech level weapons.

Also note just how much BG ammo was decreased outside of the explosive rocket and the AP Rocket staying the same price.

Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Ammo slower to make, craftables harder to craft
« Reply #20 on: April 10, 2010, 05:55:04 pm »

lol, i just dont get it. You made some good changes while bad ones occurred inadvertently (by bad i mean stuff that kills the game's enjoyability) playerbase didn't like it, so they made polls to voice their opinions and most of the time other players feel the same as well. While players expect new changes to the system, devs come in and crush their hopes with things like this.
The differences largely come in terms of the different crafting rates which have been used to provide better comparitive rates for higher professions

Shotgun shell - Level 0
Before wipe $1400 for 100 @ $3000 an hour = 214.3 crafted an hour
After the wipe $480 for 50 @ $2000 an hour = 208.3 crafted an hour

10mm JHP - Level 0
Before wipe $1000 for 100 @ $3000 an hour = 300 crafted an hour
After wipe $480 for 50 @ $2000 an hour = 208.3 crafted an hour

10mm AP - Level 1
Before wipe $1200 for 100 @ $3300 an hour = 275 crafted an hour
After wipe $600 for 50 @ $3000 an hour = 250 crafted an hour

(Side note, 10mm ammo was kept higher because p90c was such amazing value before the wipe)

.45 Cal - Level 1
Before the wipe $1300 for 100 @ $3300 an hour = 253.8 crafter an hour
After the wipe $300 for 50 @ $3000 an hour = 500 an hour

(Significant boost to .45 cal ammo because the guns are uninspiring ... they are now at least cheap)

5mm JHP - Level 1
Before wipe $1200 for 100 @ $3300 an hour = 275 crafted an hour
After wipe $350 for 50 @ $3000 an hour = 428.6 crafted an hour

5mm AP - Level 2
Before wipe $1400 for 100 @ $3600 an hour = 257.1 crafted an hour
After wipe $885 for 100 @ $4000 an hour = 452 crafted an hour


.223 FMH - Level 2
Before wipe $1800 for 100 @ $3600 an hour = 200 an hour
After wipe $1445 for 100 @ $4000 an hour = 276.8 an hour

Flame fuel - Level 0
Before wipe $900 for 20 @ $3000 an hour = 66.7 an hour
After the wipe $120 for 10 @ $2000 an hour = 166.7 an hour

Flame fuel II - Level 2 was 3
Before the wipe $2000 for 20 @ $3900 an hour = 39 an hour
After the wipe $990 for 40 @ $4000 an hour = 161.6 an hour

Explosive Rockets - Level 1 was 2
Before the wipe $2000 for 10 @ $3600 an hour =  18 an hour
After the wipe $300 for 1 @ $3000 an hour = 10 an hour

(Please notice the decrease in profession levels, if it had stayed the same it would hqave been 75%  of old crafting time)

AP Rockets - Level 3
Before the wipe $3000 for 10 @ $3900 an hour = 13 an hour
After the wipe $2000 for 5 @ $5000 an hour = 12.5 an hour

In conclusion, most times either stayed virtually the same (lower levels) or got a lot faster (higher levels) - with the exception of explosive rockets, which went lower a level and recieved a price increase and 10mm jhp which can be lethal in the SMGs, but also need to be low level, so suffer from a decrease in crafting time but having to remain quite pricey due to their unique low/high tech level weapons.

Also note just how much BG ammo was decreased outside of the explosive rocket and the AP Rocket staying the same price.

serious, it's like communism. You voice your opinion and you get shot. it seems to me like devs are basically saying "hey, i dont need your fucking 2cents opinion. My system is perfect, why? because im the dev...BIATCH"
eh, not that it matters much to me anymore. I learned to move on in life and adapt to my surrounding. For me, the game lost its value of enjoyability a while back. Only playin like 1 hour a week compared to 24 hours per day earlier on. Right now i check on forums once in a while to see if there has been any changes made that makes it worthwhile for me to start again :P


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Re: Ammo slower to make, craftables harder to craft
« Reply #21 on: April 10, 2010, 06:08:36 pm »

Become a dev then and make better game.

Strange masochism.
Nie biegaj za stadem.


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Re: Ammo slower to make, craftables harder to craft
« Reply #22 on: April 10, 2010, 06:22:43 pm »

Become a dev then and make better game.

Strange masochism.

  But there was better game from this same develepores. It was 2nd and 3rd era. Many players left this game after end of second era without complaiting, the rest of them is complaining now, few weeks before they will realize that it is waste of time.

 I dont know how many old players from polish gang is still active, but from VSB left many players, and a lot of them are only in frozen mode, waiting for changes. I know that VSB is not something special, but we were here since the time, when most of players just finished first levels of Crysis.

 Damn, every wipe you change economy, you invest there much time but why? 3rd era was realtively ok, with some minor changes and fixing bux, it will be enough. Then i hope you will start to invest time in game content.  Wipe, and voila... another economy changes, 3x 3D models and zero content addition, PvP restrictions...

 Maybe if many people are complaining, the problem exists!!! Houston, we have problem!! (or not, just ignore another whining post/thread, because we, players, we want only to whine, thats our nature. We dont want to play, we want to flood your forums, because it is more fun than the game yet.).

So long and THANKS for all the fish!
Re: Ammo slower to make, craftables harder to craft
« Reply #23 on: April 10, 2010, 06:22:54 pm »

Become a dev then and make better game.

Strange masochism.

your comments make me laugh :P
yes i will be a dev once SDK files are released..


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Re: Ammo slower to make, craftables harder to craft
« Reply #24 on: April 10, 2010, 08:25:42 pm »

zero content addition

Excuse me, but this is bullshit. There are so many new quests, maps(!) etc. so I would feel insulted as a dev when someone says "zero content addition".  ::)


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Re: Ammo slower to make, craftables harder to craft
« Reply #25 on: April 10, 2010, 09:50:51 pm »

Theres only so many ways to say "Ammo crafting is actually faster now in the majority of cases".
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Ammo slower to make, craftables harder to craft
« Reply #26 on: April 11, 2010, 04:56:16 pm »

Lordus is right, players dont want to play for the whole days just to get something that can be lost in 10 sec - look here    
starts at 0:45

so much wasted time, cooldowns, that can be lost in 10 sec, i dont want to spend 10 hours a day just to be able to fight a few times,
u say people had too much stuff, no matter what u do at the end of the day there will be people with tons of armors and other shit on the floor all u do is making them play gather and craft much longer than before
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 04:59:29 pm by Killy »
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Re: Ammo slower to make, craftables harder to craft
« Reply #27 on: April 11, 2010, 05:04:28 pm »

Lordus is right, players dont want to play for the whole days just to get something that can be lost in 10 sec

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"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
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Re: Ammo slower to make, craftables harder to craft
« Reply #28 on: April 11, 2010, 05:09:50 pm »

well, say welcome to people that quit every day, yeah i know they dont pay dont have to play, u dont care, - this is one side
on the other side u have people who have been playing for years and now stop doing it, changes are not good this is the reality
also after the wipe u had >500 p, now the number is going down, these people donate the server, lets see what'll happen if u dont get enough, dont tell me that trolls from ncr donate anything, pvp players are the most important group b/c nothing more is really possible atm ...
pve? against bugged ai; quests? there is no more than 20 quests most of them are silly ones like get a shovel from one guy and give it to the other one 10 feet further down the street

« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 05:16:54 pm by Killy »
FO by sadists for sadomasochists
Re: Ammo slower to make, craftables harder to craft
« Reply #29 on: April 11, 2010, 05:16:53 pm »

so much wasted time, cooldowns, that can be lost in 10 sec, i dont want to spend 10 hours a day just to be able to fight a few times,

My suggestion to that would be to make the gap between low and high end gear smaller, meaning so long as you're armed, you're dangerous.
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