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Author Topic: Occasions for occasional player  (Read 8658 times)


  • Sheep EX machina!
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Re: Occasions for occasional player
« Reply #45 on: April 10, 2010, 10:07:54 am »

I was not trying to flame about PvP vs RP. I tried to see FOnline through the eyes of RP or PvE guys and how they could react on faster exp. And imho there is no harm done what so ever and changing exp right now could do only good. That was my point all the time and thats why I cry that loud. Easy change, no harm done, only positives... Maybe I'm missing something here but no matter how long I think about it I can't figure out what was the purpose for nerfing exp and what should be the outcome of that in current game state.

But for that 21 being like holy grail, well it pretty much is. Its essential for anyone who want to PvP on gang level. Problem with some smaller game activities here is that most of them were here since the beginning and people who play since OBT2 or even sooner been there done that. Some of them like it so they come back and do the stuff again but it really gets boring after first few months for others. Also huge problem with PvP now is people are using builds that simply count on the most effective way of character development and like 90% of PvP chars counts on Weapon handling and lifegiver(s) and that means 15-18 lvl perks to get in a busyness and start being real threat for other PvPers. And when you are once there and you are trying to beat your opponents then its simply escalation. They start using powerbuilds, we have to adapt. We start wearing CA/BA to every battle, they start using deadlier weapons etc... It takes hours to get yourself gear for your char that can be lost or doubled in matter of minutes.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2010, 10:13:17 am by Sius »
Re: Occasions for occasional player
« Reply #46 on: April 10, 2010, 12:30:11 pm »

Experience rates are good now. You can't 'finish' the game in one day now any longer. MMOs by definition require you to spend weeks of your time to be good at something. Because otherwise you'd stop playing too soon. Not a good thing for a casual person, but that's MMOs.

What I see as a perfect solution to get rid of all problems with PvP is just create a PvP server or arena. Where players get 1000 experience just by shovelling one shit so they can be level 21 in no time. And traders are full of items costing 0 caps and respawning 10 a minute. There PvP guys can have fun for two hours and go away do other stuff in real life. And of course after a month the server or closed arena would be devoid of any life because players get bored of having everything in an instant and the actual gameplay requiring not much skill when compared to FPS games.
<Izual> Let's crash server
Re: Occasions for occasional player
« Reply #47 on: April 10, 2010, 12:54:24 pm »

What I see as a perfect solution to get rid of all problems with PvP is just create a PvP server or arena. Where players get 1000 experience just by shovelling one shit so they can be level 21 in no time. And traders are full of items costing 0 caps and respawning 10 a minute. There PvP guys can have fun for two hours and go away do other stuff in real life. And of course after a month the server or closed arena would be devoid of any life because players get bored of having everything in an instant and the actual gameplay requiring not much skill when compared to FPS games.

Brilliant idea, I am serious. pvp server could be good solution, all people would be satisfied. I dont think players would get bored, FOnline requires personal and also teamplay skills. If we add some kind of ladder for teams and add limitation for teams (lets say 5 players per team or so) it would never get boring imo... it would be neverending challenge with this system.

BTW, u might think Diablo 2 is stupid game and its pvp must be stupid too, but look, there are many pvp free servers only and they are full of people, tournaments/leagues etc. This system works fine since ages even for no pvp games. Its  positive idea also because it would devide players into two servers --> less lags maybe.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2010, 12:58:48 pm by Josefista »
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Re: Occasions for occasional player
« Reply #48 on: April 10, 2010, 02:49:14 pm »

Brilliant idea, I am serious. pvp server could be good solution, all people would be satisfied. I dont think players would get bored, FOnline requires personal and also teamplay skills. If we add some kind of ladder for teams and add limitation for teams (lets say 5 players per team or so) it would never get boring imo... it would be neverending challenge with this system.

BTW, u might think Diablo 2 is stupid game and its pvp must be stupid too, but look, there are many pvp free servers only and they are full of people, tournaments/leagues etc. This system works fine since ages even for no pvp games. Its  positive idea also because it would devide players into two servers --> less lags maybe.
My gangmate says he can pay for another server for an year in advance, provided it would be pure PvP server with no timeouts on crafting, no decreasing exp for critters, etc. More info soon.



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Re: Occasions for occasional player
« Reply #49 on: April 10, 2010, 02:59:30 pm »

My gangmate says he can pay for another server for an year in advance, provided it would be pure PvP server with no timeouts on crafting, no decreasing exp for critters, etc. More info soon.

I can host quake server too.
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  • Sheep EX machina!
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Re: Occasions for occasional player
« Reply #50 on: April 10, 2010, 04:27:15 pm »

Well when server side files are released it would be good to establish some secondary server along with official 2238 server. I mean it should be hosted elsewhere but it should be somehow connected with 2238 so we will play under one roof with familiar people. Because it would be bad if there are like 10 PvP servers but every one of them with just 30-50 population.

Anyway it feel somehow strange to separate people into more servers. I would rather like to see one server that fits everyone instead of choosing between PvE and PvP servers. Also server side will not come with content that we are used to. It will be vanilla stuff but I doubt 2238 dev team will provide their files and changes they made to support PvP server but I hope I'm wrong about this one.


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Re: Occasions for occasional player
« Reply #51 on: April 10, 2010, 04:47:13 pm »

And of course after a month the server or closed arena would be devoid of any life because players get bored of having everything in an instant and the actual gameplay requiring not much skill when compared to FPS games.
Naah, I think you are wrong. I don't play PvP, becuase it is boring to me and I'm too slow to be useful there, but many people I know have their "vision" of FOnline just like that: no timeouts, simplified crafting, no guarding towns, no reloging restrictions, some balance between BG-SG-EW and here we go. Guys, be patient, there is a light in your tunnel :>

Sius is right however, making too many servers could "kill" the community. But it don't have to - necessary is to make so good server rules, that people won't leave. Those with bad or stupid rules will die sooner or later, so the hell with them.
Nie biegaj za stadem.

Re: Occasions for occasional player
« Reply #52 on: April 10, 2010, 05:07:25 pm »

I'm undecided about whether more servers will kill or increase the community. The community could get fractured as people break off to make their own personal FOnline, or the playerbase expands as servers open up for people with different tastes. When it comes down to it, I can't see there being that many people committed enough to actually make a server good enough for public play.

Only time will tell, I guess.
Re: Occasions for occasional player
« Reply #53 on: April 10, 2010, 08:27:37 pm »

With my idea I purposefully wanted to fragment the player base. Those who are interested only in PvP and abuse every way to get to level 21 as fast as possible can go to a server where level 21 is five minutes' work. Those who want to play like good noobs can stay on the normal server and enjoy non-nerfed exp gaining because all the no-life grinders grinding for 21 and PvP will be somewhere else.
<Izual> Let's crash server


  • Sheep EX machina!
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Re: Occasions for occasional player
« Reply #54 on: April 10, 2010, 09:16:36 pm »

With my idea I purposefully wanted to fragment the player base. Those who are interested only in PvP and abuse every way to get to level 21 as fast as possible can go to a server where level 21 is five minutes' work. Those who want to play like good noobs can stay on the normal server and enjoy non-nerfed exp gaining because all the no-life grinders grinding for 21 and PvP will be somewhere else.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
You speak about PvP like its something evil that should be banished. Man its essential for most MMOs out there and it should also be part of any MMO that wants to have "Fallout" in its name.
Re: Occasions for occasional player
« Reply #55 on: April 10, 2010, 10:04:50 pm »

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
You speak about PvP like its something evil that should be banished. Man its essential for most MMOs out there and it should also be part of any MMO that wants to have "Fallout" in its name.
That's true, but I only mean people who don't find anything apart from PvP interesting. It could be even beneficial in that the number of level 21 PvP chars will decrease and gang fights might start seeing random level people joining in because they stand a chance.
<Izual> Let's crash server


  • Sheep EX machina!
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Re: Occasions for occasional player
« Reply #56 on: April 10, 2010, 10:15:19 pm »

That's true, but I only mean people who don't find anything apart from PvP interesting. It could be even beneficial in that the number of level 21 PvP chars will decrease and gang fights might start seeing random level people joining in because they stand a chance.

Its not PvPers fault if he wants to be better than others so he choses to powerbuild. If there is someone resp. something to blame then its the game itself that does not provide possibility for non-powerbuild PvP. Sure you can join as a regular guy but you will be an easy prey for others. I know its beta and all that stuff so don't even think about bringing those arguments here. All I'm saying that there is nothing wrong about PvP nor powerbuilds, they seem so bad because game mechanics don't allow anything in the middle between PvE and PvP.
Re: Occasions for occasional player
« Reply #57 on: April 10, 2010, 10:18:16 pm »

Well, gotta say, im real sceptical about making more than 1 server. Sucks. They should keep all the SDK to themselves and keep just 1 server, because really, there aint that much players for many servers to co-exist.
I give a fuck.
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