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FOnline:2238 Forum
Closed suggestions
Single Level Professions
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Topic: Single Level Professions (Read 919 times)
Single Level Professions
April 07, 2010, 10:44:34 pm »
Since we can now get four professions, one option is to get a 3rd level of whatever your character specializes in, and then settle for the first level of another profession, which isn't that great sometimes. So I propose that there be several single-level professions. Most would be previously mentioned jobs like:
1. Farmer - able to harvest plants in towns/ghost farm or can harvest things other than fruit and fiber (could be necessary to harvest tobacco or that lettuce you see in some towns); maybe some kind of brahmin herding to sell/for hides and meat
2. Scout - Tracking players/Hunting where scout can hunt specific types of enemies
3. Frontiersman - Able to use wood + lighter to make a fire or can at least used already burning fires to cook food that only has positive effects (other than becoming full after a while); can skin normally unskinnable animals (pigrats/molerats) to make something (a bigger tent with another crate maybe)
4. Mechanic - EDIT: able to upgrade vehicles with higher speed/lower fuel use/slower deterioration
I'm sure there's plenty more, and there's definitely room to improve. I'm thinking they could require a high level to somewhat balance their value and some fairly difficult quest to get them. And they obviously still need to be balanced more, these are just basic ideas.
Last Edit: April 08, 2010, 12:15:53 am by Gunduz
Sheep EX machina!
Re: Single Level Professions
Reply #1 on:
April 08, 2010, 12:12:45 am »
Robot mercs? Thats like WTF?! Guys its like every 2nd topic about professions is featuring robot building. Robots are hi-fucking-tech gadgets that are not one man task to build and even in Fallout they are rare. Anything like that would definitely kill the atmosphere.
Make mechanic repair and upgrade cars instead. Like less fuel consumed/faster/more durable or something like that. But apart those robots I like the idea.
Re: Single Level Professions
Reply #2 on:
April 08, 2010, 12:14:55 am »
Yeah I was pretty desperate for another job that had something to do with mechanics. That one works much better. Updated.
Re: Single Level Professions
Reply #3 on:
April 08, 2010, 01:18:55 am »
We need more professions for sure, not only single level's i think.
Re: Single Level Professions
Reply #4 on:
April 08, 2010, 01:25:34 am »
You guys are kind of forgetting, professions are only there to give you things to craft. They don't give you any other type of bonus.
These professions all deal with giving people a bonus on top of their other professions.
They could make something that involves crafting items from multiple other professions, but only the lower quality ones.
Like a profession based solely around making ammo. It would make ammo for both small, and big gunners, and even Micro Fusion Cells, but it wouldn't be able to make the weapons to go with them.
Or hell, better yet, that profession would be able to make ammo in bigger batches, or use less resources.
HOWEVER, that's hardly a real suggestion I was just saying, it shouldn't be something you would use after you take 3 levels as a big gun crafter just so you can get another bonus. It has to be something people may actually use, and not just make alts for.
Re: Single Level Professions
Reply #5 on:
April 08, 2010, 02:27:16 pm »
You guys are kind of forgetting, professions are only there to give you things to craft.
Yes we know what is already in game ...
I suggest profession hunter/traper - he would get more hides from 1 creature (like x2), lower coldown to get fibers and skill to tame dogs.
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FOnline:2238 Forum
Closed suggestions
Single Level Professions