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Author Topic: Mines from Vendors  (Read 906 times)


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Mines from Vendors
« on: April 08, 2010, 02:11:25 am »

Ok, i was thinking about a solution to "problems with access" to HQ resources, and here's what had emerged in my little twisted mind...

As You all know (or at least the part of You interested in something else then PK) there is a possibility of buying your own mine from a vendor, yeah!
Actually it's worthless piece of crap with a workbench and limited normal resources for 75.000 caps, one big waste of currency.

Why not replace those normal resources with HQ ones?

And now the details:

-resources stays limited for egz. 500, randomly divided between ore and minerals, but with a restriction that the amount of one can't be lower that 100 and the second higher than 400.

-no workbench around the mine any more

-mines can be only owned by factions, that means that a player without a faction can't buy a mine and like with a new base, the buyer will have to show his friends the way to the mine and one faction can own one mine at a time

- if one player in a faction owns a mine and he didn't tell anyone in the gang about it (what a selfish bastard!) another faction member won't be able to buy a mine and will be informed about it by the vendor with something like "Damn I already sold you guys one location!"

-after the last piece of ore/minerals is carried away from the location or the mine owner leaves the faction the mine vanishes from the world map for everyone and a new one can be bought by someone in the faction

-such mines should be placed in remote areas, i was thinking about far south (The Glow region) and far north (Arroyo area), with another restriction, that it will be placed in the largest possible distance from the nearest base of the mine owners faction, for egz. if you have a cave near Klamath and 3 Outpost north of JT your mine will be located somewhere around The Glow, so there will be a long travel between the mine and nearest base to store/use gathered resources

-like everything the mine location can be followed, tracked or betrayed

-the price should stay at 75.000

-mercs can be placed in those mines (but if not moved will disappear together with the location!)

-because those mines are far from any postnuclear civilization there should be a high, or even very high chance of an encounter when You reach the place. I was thinking about Flaoters and Centaurs, or even Supermutants near The Glow (it's radioactive right?) and bands of raiders, bandits or robbers in the mines of the Arroyo region (i think it's a fair deal, in case of southern location You get safer travel for stronger encounter on the spot, and weaker encounter in the northern mines in exchange for a dangerous trip)

In my opinion this will :
Give access to HQ resources for factions which are too weak to control towns, but strong enough to kick some supermutant ass.
Gathering HQ resources in such mines will be an organized effort (caravans, guards etc.).
More fun and possibility to combine gaining experience with obtaining resources.
It will give a point to travel in those useless so far parts of the world!
And just think about the loot and fun when 2 gathering caravans meet somewhere in the desert ;)

All values are exemplary.

Feedback please.

PS. Its my first stupid idea regarding this game, but don't be gentle.

« Last Edit: April 08, 2010, 02:18:13 am by Vicious »
Currently in game as : Tremere, Elephant, Average Joe.


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Re: Mines from Vendors
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2010, 02:51:29 am »

English is not my native language, and its hard to me to find proper word, I will explain: imagine a hamster, when its summer and sun is shining, one of his main goal is to find and provide himself with a food for winter. So the word I am looking for is the verb, meaning this process of hm...searching and storing his food.
The main goal of your suggestion is to make... hmm storing much common and easier. But one of the most important moment (as for me) of this game is that you can lose a lot of ...hmm...goods in few seconds, and make someone lose his stuff too.
The mining system is nearly perfect now. You can dig in guarded mines to make some guns and ammo, and if you want some bigger guns you should make a choice:
-make a gang
-pay a tax
-choose right time
-gang those miner
-make ambushes at their way to NCR
-something else

What else do you need? Your personal mine to dig, so noone could break the process of hm...storing goods?
We have tents, we have faction bases, we have bank accounts, we have guarded towns, we have even guarded mines, but it is still unconfortable to you? Damn you are one big hamster :)

This is not angry post. But I really think, that mining system does not need some big changes right now. There sooo many other things to work on, such as 3d and lags. And I'm going to thank devs for making unguarded mines, and all other stuff they have done.
Re: Mines from Vendors
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2010, 06:02:38 am »

Having a reason to go out in the middle of nowhere is a good idea.

Instead of buying the mines: have them be discovered by Outdoorsman, Perception, Luck, and the Ranger/Scout/Explorer perks.

These discoveries will have limited resources and will dissappear after a while. (Due to landslide/etc.)

At first, the places will be secret, but over time have increasing chance of detection.

Perhaps the mine-sellers could offer maps to some of these places, but you still have to search, unless you buy the more expensive maps. These maps will only sometimes be available.
Also: you can report your finds to the mine-seller and have opportunity to arrange caravan visits to help transport the materials for a fee.
This would accellerate the expiration of the mine secrecy protection.

Also: Gold.
I wish there were bags, backpacks, etc. in Fonline.
Re: Mines from Vendors
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2010, 08:18:51 am »

English is not my native language, and its hard to me to find proper word, I will explain: imagine a hamster
You could always type "chomikować" into a dictionary and see what that is - "to hoard, to squirrel away"

The suggestion isn't great. Devs already said that normal mine right now is not really worth buying and they will change it, so I'd wait for that.
Having HQ ore in a safe spot would certainly make big factions go away from mines. That can be both good or bad.
<Izual> Let's crash server


  • Idioteque
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Re: Mines from Vendors
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2010, 02:12:08 pm »

What else do you need? Your personal mine to dig, so noone could break the process of hm...storing goods?
We have tents, we have faction bases, we have bank accounts, we have guarded towns, we have even guarded mines, but it is still unconfortable to you? Damn you are one big hamster :)

Actually virus i think you've read the post, yes, but stop in the half to say no damn way!

How the hell transporting those resources through 50 or 60 world map squares makes it easier an safer?

Runnig into 24 raiders, or 10 floaters 8 centaurs and 6 supermutatns when reaching the mine isn't easie and safe too.

It would rather be in faction's something like : "Guys, we're running low on HQ ore/minerals, we need to head for the mine for some more, get ready for friday/saturday."

Did anyone catched my drift?

Currently in game as : Tremere, Elephant, Average Joe.
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