1junk1metal parts1electronic parts1gunpowder
1,5junk1,5metal parts1,5electronic parts1,5gunpowder
10junk10metal parts10electronic parts10gunpowder
Making 100 pieces of 223 ammo:1x junk1x metal parts5x adv. gunpowderMaking 10 rockets:10x junk10x electronic parts10x metal parts10x gunpowderNow compare10 bursts with lsw - 2000-3000 dmg w/o modifiers10 shots with rocket - 350-1000 dmg w/o modifiers + knockdownWhy there is so huge gap in requirements of resources between these two types of ammo?
PS: Solar you're acting like a child ruling a communist country, stop abusing others while they've got something to say.
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
The rocket cost was BUGGED after wipe1junk 1 mp 1 ep 1 Gp dont you think its f cheap for a 10 rockets??
the price was smth around 2 mp 6 gp some junk before wipe dunno rly now
50% rise towards price before wipe. the materials now are considered cheaper then they were before wipe (due to the cumulative cooldown , no skill requirement to geather and stuff)
please stop it it was already answered if you cant udnerstand / cope with that ... at least dont bother others ...
Original Price of Rocket: 200Price Increase: 50%New Price of Rocket: 200+200*(50%) = 300Hope it helps, not everyone is so fortunate in understanding maths.
Simple concept that materials are not of a constant worth
Dude it's your 4th warning in two days because you spam angry threads, and you're not banned yet ! Are we tyrants ?
ugh, cant you just remove electronic parts from the rockets, I see no points in having them. IF you are to have electronic parts I want an built in guidening system that gives 100% hit chance!
I don't see any problems getting el. parts. Getting ~20 el. parts per 20min CD. I don't think it's so... problematic. You should thank devs that rockets don't require HQ materials.