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Author Topic: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?  (Read 63337 times)

Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #15 on: April 01, 2010, 02:53:08 am »

Constant paranoia really made the game quite an experience for me when I played it last autumn, and I can only hope I'll have to survive equally dangerous situations this time around.
I may hate losing my hard earned stuff, I may curse aloud and have my mood ruined for days at times, but I'll be damned if I don't get stomped into the ground before I rise back up stronger again.

That's a good way to say it.  Without the fear of constantly being killed/robbed this game would lose a lot of it's fun.  In a world as dangerous as FO's, complacency breeds failure.
Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #16 on: April 01, 2010, 03:07:39 am »

Obviously I hate this game, I play day after day, because I can't get no sadisfaction! 8)

Great work!
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Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #17 on: April 01, 2010, 04:14:09 am »


Sius, I've got exactly same feelings about this game right now

Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #18 on: April 01, 2010, 06:30:30 am »

I used to think like you, but now, I think the game is just fine. Not perfect, it have a LOOONG way to go and I don't even think it will come out of beta so soon. But it's pretty good, actually.

I mean, yeah, you die and lose everything, it's pretty harsh if you're beginning... But still, you can keep ALL your caps (in your bank account), experience, and to think about it, there isn't much to have in this game.

In all other MMOs you don't lose ALL your stuff because it's supposed to be HELL hard to have things, you spend hours to level and have those late game equipments, except here you don't. You have, like, 1 armor and 1 weapon, and that's pretty much about it, rofl.

About questing, yeah, the start is really complicated. There is no "gap" from start to the end. You pretty much start in the end. You make the game. You join a gang, or just don't, and go around etc, you don't have much to do. You help others if you want, or just mess up with them, but really, you don't have the common sense of other games, where you start as a real newb, then you do some quests and help some people, and go leveling up like even on fallout 2. It's most likely a sandbox, you just go and... go.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2010, 06:33:17 am by Sephiroth-sama »


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Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #19 on: April 01, 2010, 06:35:46 am »

i have played all normal Fallout games (1,2,3 [3 sucks])
and i somehow find about Fallout online game and then i have played this game a lot,but now this day it just waste of time.
Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #20 on: April 01, 2010, 06:41:27 am »

I've played all the normal fallout games. (1, 2, 3[1 and 2 suck])
And I have somehow found that Fallout Online as frustrating as it is with all the bad patches, is still better than FO1 and 2.
Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #21 on: April 01, 2010, 06:48:11 am »

I've played all the normal fallout games. (1, 2, 3[1 and 2 suck])

Troll  :P
Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #22 on: April 01, 2010, 07:08:02 am »

i have played all normal Fallout games (1,2,3 [3 sucks])

Erm... You're missing Fallout Tactics.
Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #23 on: April 01, 2010, 07:16:04 am »

I like full loot/etc. because it makes FOnline stand out from other MMO thingies.

I like having the Maps from both FO and FO2.

As for "sequence", we can have it both ways.

There can be random sandbox and also "Main Quest" chain except that having MQ makes it have an end.

Content insertion is just a matter of time, probably a long time. Maybe a year or two or three...
In the meantime, FOnline is mostly about the metagaming, finding sploits, pking, hoarding, testing character concepts, and so on.

It's fine with me.

I sometimes think of what FOnline would be like if it were made like a normal MMORPG.
Instancing, railroading, carebearing, etc. with the instanced locations being fully stocked as in the original locations.
I would probably still play it, and it would have 10,000 players and a lot of people would think it is great.

You could hang out at the "Wasteland Adventurer Guild" and try to hook up a crew to go "on a Glow Run."


Just like any othe MMORPG.

No, I would prefer a slow but sure march toward emergent behaviors/etc. so the world could change like tides depending on economy and gang actions, etc.

Maybe throw in a timeline so there is a Wipe when Fallout 2 time is reached.
In addition to the player-driven changes, there would be scripted changes over time. Also a feedback between the two.
One example of feedback would be prematurely triggering some events/map changes/etc. or delaying or even negating some of them. Some of these things may be special things that are not plotted on the timeline, or are plotted but need to be activated manually in order to happen.

At Wipe time we get a description of the State Of The Wasteland as it stands at the ENDTIME.

Then it restarts and we see how the changes turn out the next time around.

« Last Edit: April 01, 2010, 07:18:19 am by Swinglinered »
I wish there were bags, backpacks, etc. in Fonline.


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Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #24 on: April 01, 2010, 07:31:19 am »

Well, before the last wipe I actually didn't even play this game even more, for 2-3 months I'd say, because I really was disappointed what a Fallout Online's become.
First, I whined (you know!  :P ) then I just simply didn't care anymore. Then I've heard about the upcoming wipe and thought "Hell why no, the first basic levels are fun, I'll try it again". And - what shall I say, I really liked the changes they've made and was really surprised.

As said, the first levels are amazing fun, sure it has some problems with sometimes unfair conditions, especially at the start, but those are issues which can be solved. It's the first time I even cared about making a proper build to craft something average. So I've made a character who is capable in doing some simple crafting stuff (leather armor, hunting rifle etc), a little bit charisma (for brahmin and quests) a good enough stat at endurance and leveled. Invested some points in outdoorsman etc. And all I can say - it's fun!
I really like those new maps lexx did, I find them even better than some of the original. It's simply fun running through abandonend cities and searching for junk, encountering some assholes there, hide and seek etc - then making basic weapons etc. It feels much more like the old familiar fallout then in the times before.
Sure, it's nowhere as close to the old games, but they came nearer to it.
I like that leveling up takes so much longer, that the game encourages me to travel around, even if I don't find the stuff I'm looking for in 10 seconds. I like meeting people who don't shoot me on sight for no apparent reason in the middle of nowhere. I like the new map overhauls f.e in the hub, the little "noob" quests, as I said somewhere else I'm feeling much more like a "wasteland worker" etc.

And the main issue I've had before the wipe - overpowered gangs claiming that this is "their" Fallout. At some point before the wipe I gave up all the northern towns I liked so much playing FO2, for me they simply didn't exist anymore. These are no towns, they are simply battlegrounds. And there was the next issue - the ridicolous fighting. Yes, I know, some people are enjoying it having huge battles with hundreds of players everywhere, but when I saw a video of those fights, with this laser beams, rockets, plasma beams etc. flying around EVERYWHERE and then the players running around like lemmings I just had to laugh because this is so ridolous, it looked so damn out of place. Especially, I always thought we're playing this game as simple wastelanders, no chosen ones etc. Why do all the people then are running around with "high tier" equipment, easy craftable in a matter of time etc? As said, it just feels out of place.
And I know that this time will come again when all gangs have proper bases etc. again, maybe I'm quitting then again, waiting for the next wipe :D. But for now, it's fun for me and I wouldn't change  a thing, it's fine as it is.
Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #25 on: April 01, 2010, 08:05:58 am »

... - the ridicolous fighting. Yes, I know, some people are enjoying it having huge battles with hundreds of players everywhere, but when I saw a video of those fights, with this laser beams, rockets, plasma beams etc. flying around EVERYWHERE and then the players running around like lemmings I just had to laugh because this is so ridolous, it looked so damn out of place. Especially, I always thought we're playing this game as simple wastelanders, no chosen ones etc. Why do all the people then are running around with "high tier" equipment, easy craftable in a matter of time etc? As said, it just feels out of place.
And I know that this time will come again when all gangs have proper bases etc. again, maybe I'm quitting then again, waiting for the next wipe :D. But for now, it's fun for me and I wouldn't change a thing, it's fine as it is.

This is part of the metagaming.

Figuring out how to leverage time, teamwork, and opportunity to maximize potentials is a hobby (or obsession) that can be applied to systems. FOnline presents a system.

I wish there were bags, backpacks, etc. in Fonline.


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Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #26 on: April 01, 2010, 08:09:36 am »

This is part of the metagaming.

Yes, but if this is metagaming, why then implement stuff like town control etc. to encourage such behaviour? :D
Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #27 on: April 01, 2010, 08:21:03 am »

Yes, but if this is metagaming, why then implement stuff like town control etc. to encourage such behaviour? :D

Player driven world?

Perhaps some devs find it entertaining?

I wish there were bags, backpacks, etc. in Fonline.


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Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #28 on: April 01, 2010, 12:45:13 pm »

I agree with some of you, that even when FOnline ignores classic MMO game concept it still could be entertaining but thats not the current case. The thing I hate the most about the game right now is that "time spent : time enjoyed" rate for me is like 9:1. When I look at many others MMOs then even basic stuff could present an enjoyable and entertaining part of the game. And when its done in group its even better. But FOnline lack this kind of gaming. Yes you can still enjoy even little things ingame but thats differs from player to player. Average guy like me who is not an RPG maniac (yet loves that genre) don't enjoy the game that frustrate him and force him to spend enormous amount of time doing boring stuff alone. And the worst part: I can't affect it in any way.
Yeah you can always grab some ammo and go out hunting some desert stalkers or raid some caves with your friends but devs are pretty much ignoring game's potential. Group play that is the most essential part of any MMO simply does not exist in FOnline mainly because of bad party system and lack of PvE. Same goes for exploration. One of the most entertaining MMO features that do not exist in FOnline world. And of course character development inherited from original games is absolutely not suitable for MMO needs in its current state.
I'm not whining about why don't we have this stuff ingame already, I'm whining about that developers don't even consider this to change.


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Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #29 on: April 01, 2010, 12:55:10 pm »

Well, I can just give you one tip then. Stop playing and come back in ~ one year. Maybe things changed then. Everything you are ... uh... trying to point out (most of the time I just read how bad an non-fun and how tedious it is, without real things about how to "fix" it for you / other players) will not get changed in one week.

The latest update needed 3 months of work. I actually started with my stuff already in december 2009. You think the update wasn't big enough? Well, but that's how much time it needs. Now imagine all the exploring and group PvE action (which is definitive present right now already) that you want to have... it will need more time. Much more time to get it done.

So... like written in the first sentence. Instead of opening threads about this 'issues' every three days, yeah... like written above. Because we will not be able to change it in one week, along with reworked stealing, reworked sneaking, reworked barter and reworked what so ever. Each day there is a new player who points out to things that should be reworked, up to a point where you think to yourself, is it even worth that work?

Most likely not, still we are doing this. People might be right, we are idiots. :)
« Last Edit: April 01, 2010, 12:57:48 pm by Lexx »
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