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Author Topic: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?  (Read 63328 times)


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How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« on: March 31, 2010, 10:30:03 pm »

When I decided to return back to FOnline I was exited with all that new 3D stuff and new features coming after wipe. But when I actually started to play again I was disappointed how much this game changed during last season when I was gone. And what changed significantly? Game did not became harder. It became boring. When I compare seasons I played then I must say, that season 1 alias first weeks of OBT3 were the most entertaining days I spend playing FOnline. Everything was new and shiny, we started to form first signs of friendship with fellow czech and slovak players. With almost zero ingame content everyone was just camping NCR encounter "Rangers vs Marauders" and after some 10-15 min you could walk away with 2+ combat shotguns and P90. Few moments spend within tent or base and you were combat ready. Also we could fight in other faction bases and everything was fast and furious. Back then I enjoyed most of the time I spent ingame.

But today? I'm not overreaching when I say that 90% or even more of the time I'm playing this game I have to do what I don't want to do and I'm forced to wait a lot. I'm not whining about this I just state that game has turned imho too many bad turns and its morphing into something what even can't be measured at same scale of entertainment as the first two Fallouts. Yes the game is played more than ever as server status indicates but it does not mean it entertain qualities has grown too. I don't know what devs are working on and how they develop this game but what I've seen so far feels like they have no real goal in their minds. No "ideal" FOnline or "version 1.0", they they just seem to work on stuff they think that could fit in the game and when they are done they move on to another one. So they take small pieces and put them together but in bigger picture it just won't work. I hate that I'm playing the game that could turn out to be absolutely not my blood type but I still hope that next patch will bring some better news and game will start to shape into something more Fallouty. And its only my expectations that keeps me interested in this game. If there is something like ideal FOnline from developers point of view then why don't you share with us? Have you devs ever considered radical changes to the game mechanics like not loosing your stuff with respawn? Can we expect that cooldowns will be gone some day? How do you want to implement PvE and what about organized PvP? These are just few questions I would love to know the answer to. They could help me to form an image about future FOnline.

Anyway I've started this topic because I'm curious about other players. How do you enjoy playing FOnline? What are you doing ingame? Are you rather PvP or PvE person? Would you like FOnline to change or are you satisfied with current way of development? And the most important how would FOnline look like if you were the boos?

Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2010, 10:37:49 pm »

Gonna give a shorty here: i enjoy the game really much. Some changes sometimes are ridiculous, but yeah, i still enjoy it. Im both, PVE, PVP (altough done none after wipe and pre wipe was sucky). Always like to see new features.
I give a fuck.
Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2010, 10:41:28 pm »

With almost zero ingame content everyone was just camping NCR encounter "Rangers vs Marauders" and after some 10-15 min you could walk away with 2+ combat shotguns and P90. Few moments spend within tent or base and you were combat ready.
Haha, I PMed Lexx about other thing I discovered today, that was changed after wipe... I hope he will fix it, because you don't need even to fight to get almost any item you need. And it's only one of ways, I don't know about other ways, but I think it exists. Anyway, after wipe, yes, the game became VERY easy. Now you can get any gear you want in any time you want. I still can't understand that idiots who crying "Ahhhh! We craft 1 rocket per "Fix" button clicked! It requires alot resources!!!11 Ahhh, now I'll play for SG!"... Omg, I can right now get some rocketlaunchers and almost infinite rockets, but... I'm SGer... ;p
IMHO this game is VERY easy. V.E.R.Y. VERY-VERY-VERY. It must be much harder.


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Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2010, 10:43:30 pm »

I can't fix it. But I gave it to the correct department, that will look into it and do something about it. I personally will not do anything for at least one week and a bit more, as I've worked nearly all the time since 3 months.
Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2010, 10:46:07 pm »

I can't fix it. But I gave it to the correct department, that will look into it and do something about it. I personally will not do anything for at least one week and a bit more, as I've worked nearly all the time since 3 months.
Woohoo! Don't worry I won't use it in bad aim. May be I'll buy all brahmin hides and then start give x10 to every bluesuiter with <30 HP on my sight. Or something... or drop alot weapons in NCR... or just hold all caps in my bank.
Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2010, 10:46:48 pm »


Sius, I've got exactly same feelings about this game right now


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Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2010, 11:00:24 pm »

With almost zero ingame content everyone was just camping NCR encounter "Rangers vs Marauders" and after some 10-15 min you could walk away with 2+ combat shotguns and P90. Few moments spend within tent or base and you were combat ready. Also we could fight in other faction bases and everything was fast and furious. Back then I enjoyed most of the time I spent ingame.

But today? I'm not overreaching when I say that 90% or even more of the time I'm playing this game I have to do what I don't want to do and I'm forced to wait a lot. I'm not whining about this I just state that game has turned imho too many bad turns and its morphing into something what even can't be measured at same scale of entertainment as the first two Fallouts.
First two Fallouts weren't about crumbling all moving targets around with minigun, AFAIR. You could avoid some fights with speech skill, if you wanted to. Try to avoid fight in FOnline with chit-chatting ;-)

Anyway I think that it's matter of expectations and "own" vision of this game. Some people want to have unlimited fun with rockets, other want to kill and loot some monsters, raiders or other scum, yet another perverts like to drink e-beer in Hub.
Anyway I've started this topic because I'm curious about other players. How do you enjoy playing FOnline? What are you doing ingame? Are you rather PvP or PvE person? Would you like FOnline to change or are you satisfied with current way of development? And the most important how would FOnline look like if you were the boos?
Two years ago I would laugh at your face if you would tell me, that there will be MMO game based on Fallout Universe, and it won't be 3D quake-like shooter. So a fact that this game exists is near a miracle. There was a mod for F2 some time ago, called Wastelandmerc. I liked to play it, but something was missing - I was there alone.
But about enjoying FOnline - there is nothing more enjoyable for an oldschool dude like me than running around in this world with couple friends for hunting, scavenging, discovering new things, running away sometimes, healing each other or just taking care of our asses not being shot while mining at unguarded mines.
I really like new mining and scavenging system, I can almost see how my char smiles while entering mining camp or finding some piles of junk. Gaining XP for crafting was a bit reduced, yes, but I can have a little bit of satisfaction from crafting new shiny gun or bullets from a shapeless rocks I digged myself.
About PvP - it was never "my" vision of Fallout-like games to shoot at people for fun, loot, lulz or whatever. Every pixel-man with some name above head shot down means, that someone's fun have been spoiled. Also I'm simply too slow to click fast enough to be at least mediocre in PvP in RT mode, so I will be useless for a mates from PvP faction. And I don't like to be useless.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2010, 11:04:15 pm by Wichura »
Nie biegaj za stadem.

Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2010, 11:15:00 pm »

Server lagging like shit so I will post something. ;p

Beginning of OBT3 was very boring for me because death didn't mean anything; literally got bored of the game in two days. Over many updates etc. the game became interesting because now losing your items meant a loss of time, which gave me motivation to PvP/PK people. With the recent changes gathering became engaging for PvP and much easier in general. So, in essence, I enjoy playing FOnline and it came a long way to where it started thanks to the Devs. Things I wasn't able to try was TC and so called mass PvP, but then again I enjoy playing either in a small group or as solo player, so it didn't affect my experience of the game that much.
Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2010, 11:30:19 pm »

It doesn't feel like Fallout, and it doesn't feel like a competent MMO. It has its moments, but I play it for the potential. And the fact it's English.

MMOs have a strong sense of sequence. So did the Fallouts. You start in one place, and work your way across the map. The critters and other players in your area are usually around your level. The devs have a clear sense of beginning, middle and end. You went to a town, explored it, solved and caused some problems, and moved on. Good games don't force you into a fight you can't win or don't want and then make you lose everything because of it.

FOnline doesn't have this sense of sequence, and it suffers. I also have no idea why they had to have both F1/2 maps. It's overambitious. Why include 20 towns when you don't have the quests to populate just one town? Sure, we have 500 players, but how many of those do you interact with on any meaningful level. Recruit some quest writers. Get them to go through each town, in order, and start doing quests. Not dotting them randomly about the world.

My ideal FOnline? Coop Fallout.

You'd have your group of wasteland pals, recruit a couple NPCs at the local watering hole, and go do some quests. Most players would be wielding crappy SMGs, beaten up laser pistols and hunting rifles. No player would be able to get so powerful that another player doesn't stand a chance of killing him at any level. Your level would only lead to more skills and perks, not HP. Crafting would only be for the absolute basics, with good gear as quest rewards. Levelling would be slow. Ammo would be rare, and everyone would carry a melee weapon as backup.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2010, 11:45:10 pm by Badger »
Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2010, 11:35:35 pm »

I like it a lot better than pre wipe, it's headed in the right direction I'm just waiting for more content like quests and npc dialog.
Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2010, 11:50:15 pm »

I like it more than pre-wipe, same as Roachor ^up. I would enjoy it more without lags, though. ;) There is really no other problem for me now.
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Break it up, break it up, break it up
Break down!
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Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2010, 12:20:00 am »

Do not compare pre-wipe and now, thats not what I meant. Look at the game as a whole and tell me what are its pros and cons and what could improve it in general. As Badger said "It doesn't feel like Fallout, and it doesn't feel like a competent MMO". We would disagree on some points of how should ideal FOnline look like, but he has the point. FOnline ignores familiar basics of its genre and it takes its own path that has too many flaws in its design if we can speak about something like game design in case of FOnline. Its overhauled single player game and you can feel it pretty much everywhere ingame. Thats imho the main and the worst enemy of the FOnline. Its not designed to be MMORPG, it follows olds mechanics that will never suit MMO games and that causes a lot of troubles and boring moments. At some things developers want game to be as close to real life as possible so it will feel real and reasonable but this often collide with abuse problematic. As a result we have some kind of a compromise, whenever its needed the game ignores reason and follows game rules but in other cases its trying to be strictly realistic as it suits the situation.

Yes its always good to know that devs are trying to explain how some events may have occurred and how did you get here and there etc. But the way I see it FOnline should try to be an entertaining game in the 1st place. Everything else should come as 2nd.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2010, 12:23:29 am by Sius »
Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2010, 12:27:17 am »

This isn't Fallout 1 or 2 or 3 or Tactics.

It's Fallout Online.

And aside from the name and the graphics (as one dev helpfully pointed out), this isn't actually Fallout as you remember it. Nowhere near it.

I think we keep getting tripped up because we have great memories of FO1/2, and project our expectations that this will be the next great Fallout (not that stupid Oblivion with guns thing that was Fallout 3, eh boys?)

It isn't.

And it's really quite a grind to play.


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Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2010, 01:36:20 am »

I like having a lot of towns. It gives you the sense of freedom to explore that vast wasteland that the original Fallout games gave you. Having more features for those towns to make them more useful and stimulate the players to use them sure would be better though.

I don't like the cooldowns, but they are actually more bearable with the new patch making the gathering cooldowns accumulable.
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Re: How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2010, 02:02:22 am »

As an avid fan of the older Fallouts, its awesome to be able to play an online version.

First tried out the beta last autumn, working with a small group who together managed to form a gang and get a cave to resupply in. Had a lot of fun doing risky trade runs over the whole north, while leaving the actual fighting to the rest of the crew. After the next server wipe we fell apart, since we had mostly been preparing ourselves and our base for some real work when it hit us. Bad timing, I suppose. The few of us who kept on going adapted badly on our own- and we sort of faded away after a while.

Coming back now after the last wipe, I've been trying to get a grip on the changes since then. Much of the stuff involving crafting and factions/towns seems nicer, but as one of those seemingly few barter-focused players out there, I gotta say the changes to that has got me a bit miffed. But hey: Adopt, adapt, and improve. -Motto of the round table. I still find ways to make a living, even on my own.

Overall, I'm not sure I like the direction the game is taking, as I'm quite a gaming masochist.
I like having the wasteland constantly trying to kill me around every corner. If I wont have to fight with claws and teeth to keep what few scraps I can scavenge from an unfair post-apocalyptic world, then it doesnt feel like that world is really taking me seriously. I love that anyone technically can take a gun out and blow my face off at any time I'm in a populated area. If I'm standing still where someone sees me- I got it coming! There should always be risk of being robbed, killed or a combination of both at any time. Constant paranoia really made the game quite an experience for me when I played it last autumn, and I can only hope I'll have to survive equally dangerous situations this time around.
I may hate losing my hard earned stuff, I may curse aloud and have my mood ruined for days at times, but I'll be damned if I don't get stomped into the ground before I rise back up stronger again.
No road should be without sharp rocks and harsh weather, however safe you think it is. It builds character, dammit.
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