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How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?

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--- Quote from: RestarT on April 05, 2010, 10:45:08 am ---I think this is lost battle. NCR noobs-no lifers will always win because they will be crying when they got killed in mine by 21st level boosted PvP char.
It doesn't matter. I'm going to mining site with my char and I will kill everyone who I don't know so they can have reason to cry like: I got killed in mining site! Devs do something with this or I will stop playing! Erase all ammo and guns! I want harmless and peacefull game without player killers!

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We can say the same thing about you: OMG exping PVP is boring, give q for CH1 chars, moar xp for me, make craftig rockets easier etc. etc.

I know that more PvE events should be added. But they will be later. You know the game and exp system and you know that exping this pvp char will be hard. Just deal with it and wait for some content update.

BTW: Many of Sius idea's are right, but please stop  moaning. It's boring like exping pvp char to 21lvl :/


--- Quote from: RestarT on April 05, 2010, 10:56:44 am ---Do you know irony man? I don't like FOnline 2238 at this moment, I'm playing because I hope thet some change will come.

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Imho there is significant part of community that plays 2238 because of love to Fallout universum. If it was build on something else than Fallout we could expect playerbase to be absolutely different. Right now I don't enjoy playing either but I will do everything I can to change that fact. And if developers will be stubborn bean counters then I guess its really best just to wait until they add game content and maybe then return to FOnline.


--- Quote from: RestarT on April 05, 2010, 10:45:08 am ---I think this is lost battle. NCR noobs-no lifers will always win because they will be crying when they got killed in mine by 21st level boosted PvP char.
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NCR noobs aren't the same with no-lifers. First ones stay at NCR and cry because they've just lost their shovel, second ones grind as hell, so they can get "main goal", which is obviously 21 level, in couple days. None of these two kinds cries in this topic, by the way :>

I don't know what is with those "dangerous" mines up north. It is almost impossible to meet someone there, maybe I'm choosing wrong hours for chit-chatting during digging.


--- Quote from: Sius on April 05, 2010, 11:07:45 am ---Imho there is significant part of community that plays 2238 because of love to Fallout universum. If it was build on something else than Fallout we could expect playerbase to be absolutely different. Right now I don't enjoy playing either but I will do everything I can to change that fact. And if developers will be stubborn bean counters then I guess its really best just to wait until they add game content and maybe then return to FOnline.

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Just (since I like silly numbers :p) compare the NMA crowd with the FOnline crowd. I've played a few hours with a few well known users/admins from NMA till they found it pretty shitty what has become to fallout. I could understand them, but I also coan understand that fonline is simply fun. So its not like you said that "true fallout fans" are taking place of this game, right now I only know (I'd count you in) 50 players from 500 who care about fallout AT ALL.

And that is the main issue why players left. It's just not the fallout we used to play.

But I can understand that a "Das Oedland ist harrrrrrrrsch!!!" ( ;) ) isnt appealing to everyone, even if one likes FO1/2. Its just a completely different experience.


--- Quote from: Onion on April 05, 2010, 10:58:04 am ---We can say the same thing about you: OMG exping PVP is boring, give q for CH1 chars, moar xp for me, make craftig rockets easier etc. etc.

I know that more PvE events should be added. But they will be later. You know the game and exp system and you know that exping this pvp char will be hard. Just deal with it and wait for some content update.

BTW: Many of Sius idea's are right, but please stop  moaning. It's boring like exping pvp char to 21lvl :/

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For you is PvP booring, for us PvR is booring. We need balance beetwen this things. But right now we have destroy game for PvPers and crafters(PvE,people who have days and days to spend in game) have eden.


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