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How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?

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--- Quote from: Hololasima on April 05, 2010, 11:20:12 am ---For you is PvP booring, for us PvR is booring. We need balance beetwen this things. But right now we have destroy game for PvPers and crafters(PvE,people who have days and days to spend in game) have eden.

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I understand it, but sadly there' in only one option for us: waiting for new content/change (ane post suggestion, but many of us already done this in this topic ;) )


--- Quote from: Hololasima on April 05, 2010, 11:20:12 am ---For you is PvP booring, for us PvR is booring. We need balance beetwen this things. But right now we have destroy game for PvPers and crafters(PvE,people who have days and days to spend in game) have eden.

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You're always saying PvP "for us" (as you like to call "us" NCR noobs) is boring, but you don't know all of the chars. I can only speak for me, I am no hardcore PK,PvP nor crafter, I just want to test every aspect the game has. I would ALSO like to test TC out for the first time, but I didnt find a proper gang since now.

So really, I understand that you find it sometimes boring at the moment, its really not a surprise. But please, you sound like a man one can talk the good talk with, not everyone who is staying in ncr is just staying the whole day there. ;) Actually, I hate the ncr...


--- Quote from: RestarT on April 05, 2010, 10:56:44 am ---Do you know irony man? I don't like FOnline 2238 at this moment, I'm playing because I hope thet some change will come.

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;) not saying that you are wrong, I'm not playing at all atm actually, the constant lags/rollbacks are a small part of that but the biggest reason for me to not play atm is the slow xp gain and ammo drawback. So atm I'm waiting for changes as you are.

(irony man, i like that :D)

The drawback of getting ammo faster than before the wipe in the majority of cases and virtually the same for almost all the rest?  :-\


--- Quote from: Surf Solar on April 05, 2010, 11:14:49 am ---Just (since I like silly numbers :p) compare the NMA crowd with the FOnline crowd. I've played a few hours with a few well known users/admins from NMA till they found it pretty shitty what has become to fallout. I could understand them, but I also coan understand that fonline is simply fun. So its not like you said that "true fallout fans" are taking place of this game, right now I only know (I'd count you in) 50 players from 500 who care about fallout AT ALL.

And that is the main issue why players left. It's just not the fallout we used to play.

But I can understand that a "Das Oedland ist harrrrrrrrsch!!!" ( ;) ) isnt appealing to everyone, even if one likes FO1/2. Its just a completely different experience.

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Are you serious? I thought everyone here didn't leave because they DID care about the fallout universe at all.
Take me, for example. I just didn't leave this game despite it's shitty mechanics, bugs and lags, because I DO care about fallout universe, and that's what kept me playing. Most likely the roleplay and gameplay of fallout, which isn't multiplayer centered AT ALL. I would rather just have it co-op so I could play fallout's standard storyline with friends, but that isn't the case.


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