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How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?

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When I decided to return back to FOnline I was exited with all that new 3D stuff and new features coming after wipe. But when I actually started to play again I was disappointed how much this game changed during last season when I was gone. And what changed significantly? Game did not became harder. It became boring. When I compare seasons I played then I must say, that season 1 alias first weeks of OBT3 were the most entertaining days I spend playing FOnline. Everything was new and shiny, we started to form first signs of friendship with fellow czech and slovak players. With almost zero ingame content everyone was just camping NCR encounter "Rangers vs Marauders" and after some 10-15 min you could walk away with 2+ combat shotguns and P90. Few moments spend within tent or base and you were combat ready. Also we could fight in other faction bases and everything was fast and furious. Back then I enjoyed most of the time I spent ingame.

But today? I'm not overreaching when I say that 90% or even more of the time I'm playing this game I have to do what I don't want to do and I'm forced to wait a lot. I'm not whining about this I just state that game has turned imho too many bad turns and its morphing into something what even can't be measured at same scale of entertainment as the first two Fallouts. Yes the game is played more than ever as server status indicates but it does not mean it entertain qualities has grown too. I don't know what devs are working on and how they develop this game but what I've seen so far feels like they have no real goal in their minds. No "ideal" FOnline or "version 1.0", they they just seem to work on stuff they think that could fit in the game and when they are done they move on to another one. So they take small pieces and put them together but in bigger picture it just won't work. I hate that I'm playing the game that could turn out to be absolutely not my blood type but I still hope that next patch will bring some better news and game will start to shape into something more Fallouty. And its only my expectations that keeps me interested in this game. If there is something like ideal FOnline from developers point of view then why don't you share with us? Have you devs ever considered radical changes to the game mechanics like not loosing your stuff with respawn? Can we expect that cooldowns will be gone some day? How do you want to implement PvE and what about organized PvP? These are just few questions I would love to know the answer to. They could help me to form an image about future FOnline.

Anyway I've started this topic because I'm curious about other players. How do you enjoy playing FOnline? What are you doing ingame? Are you rather PvP or PvE person? Would you like FOnline to change or are you satisfied with current way of development? And the most important how would FOnline look like if you were the boos?

Quentin Lang:
Gonna give a shorty here: i enjoy the game really much. Some changes sometimes are ridiculous, but yeah, i still enjoy it. Im both, PVE, PVP (altough done none after wipe and pre wipe was sucky). Always like to see new features.


--- Quote from: Sius on March 31, 2010, 10:30:03 pm ---With almost zero ingame content everyone was just camping NCR encounter "Rangers vs Marauders" and after some 10-15 min you could walk away with 2+ combat shotguns and P90. Few moments spend within tent or base and you were combat ready.

--- End quote ---
Haha, I PMed Lexx about other thing I discovered today, that was changed after wipe... I hope he will fix it, because you don't need even to fight to get almost any item you need. And it's only one of ways, I don't know about other ways, but I think it exists. Anyway, after wipe, yes, the game became VERY easy. Now you can get any gear you want in any time you want. I still can't understand that idiots who crying "Ahhhh! We craft 1 rocket per "Fix" button clicked! It requires alot resources!!!11 Ahhh, now I'll play for SG!"... Omg, I can right now get some rocketlaunchers and almost infinite rockets, but... I'm SGer... ;p
IMHO this game is VERY easy. V.E.R.Y. VERY-VERY-VERY. It must be much harder.

I can't fix it. But I gave it to the correct department, that will look into it and do something about it. I personally will not do anything for at least one week and a bit more, as I've worked nearly all the time since 3 months.


--- Quote from: Lexx on March 31, 2010, 10:43:30 pm ---I can't fix it. But I gave it to the correct department, that will look into it and do something about it. I personally will not do anything for at least one week and a bit more, as I've worked nearly all the time since 3 months.

--- End quote ---
Woohoo! Don't worry I won't use it in bad aim. May be I'll buy all brahmin hides and then start give x10 to every bluesuiter with <30 HP on my sight. Or something... or drop alot weapons in NCR... or just hold all caps in my bank.


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