Hi, sorry for the long absence.
To answer some questions, I have not set up a repo yet and for now I believe the best way to progress with this, is not via a centralized repo. It would take much management from people, but rather keep the spirit and publish well separated modules that can be used by the FOnline community.
I'll make the groundwork for windows myself, it's still in a half finished state, not usable atm, other than hacking, and lacking a lot of functionality.
The other parts can be separated, anyone can make something they think it's usefull and free source it to the community, as we have seen, this have been very popular lately. Just find something you agree on and do it. Gather ideas on server forums, in-game if you are playing, on discord.
Until we have a 2238 based source on FOclassic, use your own repos, I'll use Reloaded v2 for convenience. However, the aim is to make use of FOclassic and it's features, so any work that even theoretically makes use of some features is good.
For example right now I am picking up the my work on the higher resolution dialog font, including changes to the client to support. It's some interface changes, with a 1.5x font, which since V4 of FOclassic can be set to use a specific font for dialog, see related threads here:
https://fodev.net/forum/index.php/topic,30027.0.htmlSo basically:
1. Find something usefull from the list or your own idea for improvement that you think the FOnline gaming community would benefit of.
2. Talk with people about it, and refine your idea.
3. Implement it
4. Publish it
5. Write a post explaining how to use, or add your module, change, w/e you made.
I know this sounds more like a Guerilla fight, but the aim here is not to create a new and better FOnline server, but to give tools, content, fixes or improvements to both already existing and new ones. More like steering stuff in the direction of modern games, with good old fallout spice, and the weapon of choise being 'publishing free content/enhancement that are good enough not to get ignored'.
This does not have to be related to scripts and interface only. Maps and stories (completed work) should be shared as well. Let's say you create a random encounter, or a complex quest line that can be easily added to an NPC in a public location. If you do that, independently, and add the information in whatever way you choose for people to add this to their servers, you are helping them a lot. I see no reason that a good questline should be used on one server but not on the others. There are enough differences - in combat, progression, story lines, loot system, map/world layout you name it - between the servers already, ideally one should should consider one server over the other, based on this, rather then questing content or how interfaces look.
This is a long shot. I know everyone has a different motivation level, I usually work like 1-2 months a year on FOnline, and when I have a longer module, I am not able to finish it, like last time, but for example consider the Black Jack module I wrote a while ago. It took a few weeks/months to do, half a year to a year to be added to any of the servers. But theoretically speaking, why should one server have this, and another not? Or better asked, why should a player who enjoys one server more, be able to steam off their gambling addictions in-game, while another not?
The biggest risk here, is that what you make, no server will addapt. That will happen eventually, but good work, that is well separated and not based on a specific server's system, well documented or rather easy to integrate, will probably get added sooner or later.
To the list I think I will have to add interfaces -> account management, where one would log in with same account, be able to select from multiple alts on that account, have an email registered to this account in case they forgot their passwords. This shit happened a lot, and I think there is no common system for it.