Author Topic: New era for Fonline redoing engine in Unity or UE4  (Read 4783 times)

New era for Fonline redoing engine in Unity or UE4
« on: September 15, 2014, 09:19:28 pm »
Fonline is best game ewer but we all now its buged as hell has wierd lags and just f up hard, its made to be turnbased and ended real time, so i am proposing to remake this game  in Unity or UE4 full realtime somthing like this just litle more Fallout perspectiv. I maded some game concept its rought even writed some story just for fun ofc i accept any pointers and ideas, this shoud be comunity game thet we all love to play. All fonline players unite and contribute

I know to use Blender, Sowlidorks so i can make 3d models and know basic animation, anywey i got 1 more 3d artist 1 animator, 1 music artist and 1 programer who sed he will join if i get more people cuz it aint small project
Anybody iterested in helping PM or email to We would like to bring Fonline to new lvl. We need more programers but ofc accept all people

here is some concept pdf kinda chaosed but you can get the point of game ofc when we complite basic team we can discuss any sugestion or changes together

Re: New era for Fonline redoing engine in Unity or UE4
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2014, 10:10:17 am »
Good so start development it, there is also 3d models which looks like orginal fallout sprites (see 3d forum section). And you dont need story, you need people who want work on it. Few people for recreating fallout/fonline in 3d engine is not enough.

Re: New era for Fonline redoing engine in Unity or UE4
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2014, 05:31:39 am »
There is a Fallout 3\New Vegas(You can convert models even to TES V with a bit of polishing) with an engine ready and a huge modding community around TES scripting, mapping and modeling and it will not bring as much copyright rage on you if you make it F3 or TES V mod. So why do you want to reinvent bycicle? FOnline is build around old game we love not some shiny 3d models and modern engine...

Offline Lexx

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Re: New era for Fonline redoing engine in Unity or UE4
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2014, 09:00:52 am »
But there is no copyright rage.

Offline lisac2k

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Re: New era for Fonline redoing engine in Unity or UE4
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2014, 07:57:48 pm »
If you ask me, there's never enough of the copyright rage.