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FOnline: Reloaded
--- Quote from: Kelin on July 29, 2013, 02:26:30 pm --- Imagine the guy with X time had one combat character and the guy with X+Y time had for example 10 characters. But it didn't matter because in the end any battle was 24lvl vs. 24lvl and only advantage the X+Y player had was the choice of character.
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LOL noob.
If I have 10 characters, I will have 10 chances to kill your one character because there is this thing called... wait for it... RELOGGING. Your mind = blown.
--- Quote from: b__B on July 29, 2013, 02:25:23 pm ---you will most likely be donating items and the 50 level ape can simply escape with them after a few rounds,
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--- Quote from: Lexx on July 29, 2013, 02:24:41 pm ---That one character will be the ultimate owner of all low level players.
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No. One good crit and you're dead, no matter what level you are.
What 10 chances? It will look like this - you will lose 3 times and then the 50 level APE will disappear with the loot.
A few minutes later it will be back in hope that you are stupid enough to keep donating items with your weak PvP alts.
--- Quote from: b__B on July 29, 2013, 02:52:40 pm ---What 10 chances? It will look like this - you will lose 3 times and then the 50 level APE will disappear with the loot.
A few minutes later it will be back in hope that you are stupid enough to keep donating items with your weak PvP alts.
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If I'm the guy with ten level 24 chars, I will be back before you even have a chance to exit the map (ever heard of combat cooldown?), let alone loot any items.
If I'm the guy with one level 50 char, I don't give a fuck about your shitty items, I just want to kill you over and over therefore humiliating you.
The more you know, noob.
ROFL @ myself discussing with a guy that put a stationary centaur in a special encounter to guard a box with a bottle of nuka cola in it so that players (quote from memory) "don't just loot the box and run away." Seriously, WTF am I doing lol.
Depends where you stand and if you wait for armor, you can just leave the last amor set before you leave.
If it really was equal you are still at disadvantage of having to haul your 10 PvP alts to the same location
and all the relogging and equipping 10 alts instead of one. Why would you want to do it?
Also, cut the "noob" calling and ad personam or you will be outta here faster than you think, thx.
--- Quote from: Kelin on July 29, 2013, 02:26:30 pm ---PS: I think such was the idea behind DoCAN's "One Alt Crusade", personally I've always found it absurd.
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You are wrong, One Alt Crusade becomes true by game changes where You dont have to create alts to make basic things.
No lvl cap for skill points - all can craft,trade etc
Reworked Lockick skill - no need for lockpicker
Reworked Traps skill - no need for Bomber
Implmenting books which gives skill points - APEs can get crafting profesions faster and they dont need taxi alt
Moved Strong Back and Pack rat to support perks - no need for looter alt
There wont be any combat bonuses for high lvl characters except existing skill points after lvl 24.
However there will be some features which will convice players to play at one character.
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