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FOnline: Reloaded

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Mr Feltzer:

--- Quote from: DocAN. on July 28, 2013, 02:08:10 pm ---Also im not sure if its good idea to have an Army of NPCs:

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Look at that Merc-Count clusterfuck from FO:Aus


--- Quote from: Kelin on July 29, 2013, 11:54:11 am ---...but look at this guy it took him 6 days to gain level 100
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Yeah, and instead of EIGHTEEN level 24 alts (276,000 XP each), he has ONE level 99 character (4,950,000 XP).

What was the problem again?

A person who is willing to sacrifice X time to the game will always be at a disadvantage compared to a person who is willing to sacrifice X + Y time to the game (assuming Y > 0). If we manage to convince the latter to use ONE character instead of EIGHTEEN almost equally powerful characters, the disadvantage of the former will decrease rather than increase, even if the ONE character the latter agrees to use is noticeably (but also reasonably) more powerful than any given one of the eighteen chars s/he would've used otherwise.

That one character will be the ultimate owner of all low level players. Just remember the old TLA open beta, where high level characters ruled over every other player.

If at all, then the gap between low and high level players needs to be closed first. My personal fav back in the days was a fixed amount of hp and such, that every character has, regardless of level, amount of perks, etc. Etc.


--- Quote from: Stration on July 29, 2013, 01:43:43 pm ---What was the problem again?
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I think the problem might be that if you have a 50 level PvP character with more hitpoints, action points and damage resistance like you suggested, then attacking it one by one even 18 times is worse than attacking it once with equal 50 level character. You have much less chance to win each time you attack - you will most likely be donating items and the 50 level ape can simply escape with them after a few rounds, whenever it's convenient. If it's 1 on 1, the 50 level ape is unlikely to lose confrontation as long as it has stimpaks, ammo and maybe doesn't sit right next to the entrance.

And even if 18 alts vs 1 superalt was equal (which I think is not) it would still mean that to PvP on the server after a few weeks you would have to gain 5 millions XP points.

@Stration: I'm afraid I still don't see your point, so you're saying uniformity is better than variety? What's so bad about having 18 combat characters, I used to have over 10 big gunners because each of them was different and suitable for different combat situations. Imagine the guy with X time had one combat character and the guy with X+Y time had for example 10 characters. But it didn't matter because in the end any battle was 24lvl vs. 24lvl and only advantage the X+Y player had was the choice of character. Now, if you convert the same situation into your environment, any battle would look like 100lvl vs. 24lvl thus forcing the X player to spend more time on levelling.

To sum it up:
1. it would bring less variety
2. it would force to spend even more pointless time on building your character

PS: I think such was the idea behind DoCAN's "One Alt Crusade", personally I've always found it absurd.


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