Author Topic: FOnline Vault 112  (Read 25736 times)

Offline wladimiiir

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Re: FOnline Vault 112
« Reply #15 on: June 20, 2013, 07:04:31 pm »
So its like the player actually lives in the vault, but they are able to use the VR machines to visit the outside world in VR. And I belive players will need to pay each time they use the VR and when they die they will respawn back in the Vault next to the VR they were in. And how will we aquire credits, are going to have to do small quests in the Vault and to get credits?
There is an outside (real) world where you will be able to take quests, trade, do PvE/PvP and stuff like on some other server. Vault 112 collects junk which is then traded for energy modules (secret stuff), which are used to power up the VR machines (Tranquility Lanes) and Vault itself (and also food and other stuff needed for their survival). So they are buying junk in exchange for credits, which you can use for VR. So in order to use VR you have to make some effort in "real" world - collect junk in city encounters (by using Science on scenery in the encounters - finished) or by buying the junk from other players and/or from traders (not finished). And also as you mentioned, you can do quests for the Vault to get some additional credit. ;)

Note, that most of the stuff is still not finished - dialog for Chuck (the Vault 112 logistic leader), who exchanges the junk for digital credit, traders over the "real" world and mentioned quests. Also if someone will come up with some other idea how to get digital credit, he can freely implement the solution. ;)

Re: FOnline Vault 112
« Reply #16 on: June 20, 2013, 07:36:21 pm »
Could you translate the license to english?

Offline wladimiiir

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Re: FOnline Vault 112
« Reply #17 on: June 20, 2013, 08:05:42 pm »
Could you translate the license to english?
English license file has been added. I am not Russian, so I have used Google translator for the translation. The license is taken from TLA SDK.

Re: FOnline Vault 112
« Reply #18 on: June 20, 2013, 08:22:31 pm »
Does awareness on mouse work?

Offline wladimiiir

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Re: FOnline Vault 112
« Reply #19 on: June 20, 2013, 08:57:09 pm »
Does awareness on mouse work?
It should work now. Thanks for pointing it out. ;)

Offline wladimiiir

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Re: FOnline Vault 112
« Reply #20 on: June 21, 2013, 02:54:47 pm »
Btw, talking to overseer never updates quest status, it always stays at "talk to dr.braun" stage, no matter how hard i wanna push it forward; as a bonus, mr. gyro doesn't even start any dialog :P
Fixed. You would have to create a new character, though. :P

Offline wladimiiir

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Re: FOnline Vault 112
« Reply #21 on: July 17, 2013, 08:56:35 am »
I have finally completed my first roadmap step and successfully released first alpha version:
FOnline: Vault 112 v0.1.0-alpha

It is still in alpha state, but it should be more-less stable and it provides Virtual Reality, which can be used by single player or small group of players using local server to have some (isolated) fun. :)

Behavior Tree System
What might be more interesting for FOnline developers is remade system for defining NPC behavior. As server is run using Mono integration, also the Behavior Tree system is done in Mono. This system is based on common concept of trees that specify AI behavior of NPC in games. Some info can be found here and also on Google.

Package with logic and tasks for Behavior Tree System (BTS) can be found in Server/mono/FOnline.Server/BehaviorTrees directory.
Example of creating such a behavior tree can be found in classes contained in Server/mono/FOnline.Server/Roles directory.

Simple example how these trees can be specified:
Code: [Select]
var builder = new CritterBehaviorBuilder (critter);

.Do (new CallReinforcements (BlackboardKeys.Attackers))
.Do (new TakeDrug (ItemPack.HealingDrugs)).If (new IsHurt (70))
.DoSequence ("20% to find weakest player and attack him instead")
.Do (new AtFixedRate<CritterBlackboard> (Time.RealSecond (10)))
.Do (new AtChance<CritterBlackboard> (20))
.Do (new FindCritters (Find.Life | Find.OnlyPlayers).Choose (new Weakest ())).If (new IsSeen ()).IfNot (new IsTeamMember ())
.Do (new Attack ())
.End ()
.DoSequence ("Attack every non member")
.Do (new FindCritters (Find.Life)).If (new IsSeen ()).IfNot (new AmAttacking ()).IfNot (new IsTeamMember ())
.Do (new Attack ())
.End ()
.Do (new ProvideReinforcements ()).IfNot (new AmAttacking ());

Global.RegisterBehaviorTask (builder.MainTask);
This code specifies behavior for "evil" human critter in encounter in which:
  • Calls team reinforcements on its attackers.
  • Tries to take healing drug, if its HP is under 70% of maximum HP.
  • It checks every 10 seconds and there is 20% chance that it will start attacking weakest enemy instead of current one.
  • It attacks every critter that is not part of his team.
  • Provides reinforcements for other team members.

This way it is possible to specify behavior for NPCs in game, whether it is town AI system or mobs in encounters. Also it is possible for designer (someone who is not experienced in programming) to specify such a behavior tree using diagrams and then it will be implemented by someone with programming experience.

There are currently some basic tasks for Critter entity contained in the project, but there will be more of them created as the time passes by. ;)
« Last Edit: July 17, 2013, 09:27:55 am by wladimiiir »

Re: FOnline Vault 112
« Reply #22 on: August 25, 2014, 11:33:54 am »
Can I use this project with Van Buren somehow?