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Gridcamping in Ghost Town

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--- Quote from: JovankaB on June 14, 2013, 05:44:52 pm ---Some small improvements in the ghost town:

1. Additional entrance on the east.

2. Floor is cleaned automatically every 20 minutes.

3. Boosted spawning of some better stuff and removed some cheap things from the facility containers.

4. Moved the 7 famillies village between GT spawn and the ghost town. Added outfitters and guards inside.

5. Items from outfitters don't disappear when you leave location

--- End quote ---
many thanks jovanka  ;D

Great change thanks.


--- Quote from: JovankaB on June 14, 2013, 05:44:52 pm ---Some small improvements in the ghost town:

1. Additional entrance on the east.

2. Floor is cleaned automatically every 20 minutes.

3. Boosted spawning of some better stuff and removed some cheap things from the facility containers.

4. Moved the 7 famillies village between GT spawn and the ghost town. Added outfitters and guards inside.

5. Items from outfitters don't disappear when you leave location

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Need a "Bomber Kit" to supplement the EW, SG, and BG kits. Would give Frag Mines, Bear Traps, and dynamite/C-4.

Or just spawn more frag mines in containers.


--- Quote from: JovankaB on June 14, 2013, 05:44:52 pm ---Some small improvements in the ghost town:

1. Additional entrance on the east.

2. Floor is cleaned automatically every 20 minutes.

3. Boosted spawning of some better stuff and removed some cheap things from the facility containers.

4. Moved the 7 famillies village between GT spawn and the ghost town. Added outfitters and guards inside.

5. Items from outfitters don't disappear when you leave location

--- End quote ---

Excellent changes, thanks for that.


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