Other > General Game Discussion
Gridcamping in Ghost Town
Listen up people.
It's the last 10 days of Fonline 2238.
We have a nice PvP area.
Why do some small dicked morons keep camping the grid in Ghost Town? Ye, wastland is harsh, pking is fun, bloody deaths are fun, etc, etc. But come on! This is such a sad way (although fitting) to end this game.
I understand it's hard to kill armed players, but isn't it more fun to let someone regain their health and equip some items before you splatter them?
I'm already imagining the ignorant responses to this topic, so go ahead; surprise me.
These morons are the last thing I'll be missing once this game has given up the ghost.
I dont understand why they kill bluesuits. You come to ghost town to fight. go to the middle of town or factory and let people gear up. Dont kill bluesuits that is pointless. if you want to kill blues then go to ncr.
--- Quote from: falloutdude on June 12, 2013, 10:05:15 pm ---I dont understand why they kill bluesuits. You come to ghost town to fight. go to the middle of town of factory and let people gear up. Dont kill bluesuits that is pointless. if you want to kill blues then go to ncr.
--- End quote ---
I know what ya mean. At first I wanted to say something about "common decency" to allow a "spawner" to gear up and run away, but then I realized that if I had said it, I'd probably be reminded by many of our lovely trolls that: a) I am a faggot pussy!; b) this is a wasteland with no rules; c) I am a retard to think that way and should end my life by raping myself with a knife.
On the serious note, the only way to (sometimes) avoid the gridcamping is to use a sneaker. At least that's what works for me. GL.
This is seriously messed up.
In all the time during this game I've taken shit from retarded, power-hungry, redneck children, I've never encountered such badly mannered slugs as these pricks.
Why the fuck do you people want to spoil any and all fun there is left? There's 30 people online, around 15 going to Ghost Town, of which at least 5 are gridcamping.
The unspoken bond between players in this desperate time is non-existent.
Just wanted to rage a bit. Have fun without me, I'm sure you will.
Make a sneaker?
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