Other > Suggestions

Why to waste someny work someny peaple?

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--- Quote from: Mayck on June 12, 2013, 11:08:39 am ---Regardless of being free or not, technically Bethesda as the copyright owner can come and shutdown even non-profit free projects. But most companies don't do that, if you don't give the reason to do so... So the point of not providing any payed services is just to not piss them off.

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This has probably been discussed before, but: Is the engine itself in this area as well?


--- Quote from: Dishonest Abe on June 12, 2013, 03:58:40 pm ---This has probably been discussed before, but: Is the engine itself in this area as well?

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I haven't seen the hardcoded part of the engine, but I suspect, that the only reason for not releasing the whole engine is that it uses some codes from original F/F2 games. :P And this might be a copyright issue.


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